tph application

Sep 29, 2011 17:18

Player Name: Kally
Personal LJ: writesonthesly
AIM: sunnydaykally
Other characters currently in-game: none
Who referred you to the game?: been here before

Character Name: Kelda Stormrider

Canon source: Marvel's Thor

Personality: Kelda can be described as passion personified. With a very appearance that conveys an affinity for lust, she is actually quite devoted, generous, gentle, and kind. She treats her fellow gods with deep respect and humbles herself before those she must, even mortals, though she is much higher in ranks than they are. When she speaks with a person, she is gentle, but firm, and when she is near children, she is soft and careful. Around men, she carries herself in a positive, and confident manner, lacking any demure or shy mannerisms.

Kelda treats love with great affections and honor. It is presumed that she is quite casual about her affairs, as it appears that, in the past, she carried on with a number of affairs with Asgardian men, as many of the gods are quite amorous when addressing her. However when she begins a relationship with Bill, she takes things slowly and quite tenderly, recognizing the need to wait before engaging in sexual intimacy, and becoming intimate on a more emotional and gentler level, compared to the quick steps she would take in the past with other Asgardians. She also goes to great lengths for love, such as when her lover, Bill, passes into Valhalla, she patiently and lovingly stands by the doors that she, as a living goddess, may not enter…and watches forlornly as Bill enjoys his warriors’ after life.

However, while Kelda is kind and soft, she can just as easily be quick and furious. Passion is not just love within Kelda. When she is greatly angered, she represents a storm, with harsh gales of winds on the air blowing and pushing at you until you’re knocked off your feet - and this is actually even in a literal sense, since Kelda has the ability to manipulate the winds and gales through emotional outbursts.

She is a lover, but also a fighter, and if she must fight, Kelda will not say “nay” nor turn her head, but gather her spear and shield, sail upon her winds, and fight with all her heart and will that she can muster. When she fights, she fights.

Kelda can also be quite sullen when her moods become cold as gales of ice, or dark as the coldest winter. She takes the guilt upon her shoulders, letting it weigh herself down to prevent it from weighing down others. This is not quite self-pity, but really almost self-loathing in a manner. She blames herself greatly for troubles, and it can even be seen as self-destructive.

Described possibly as one of the most human of the Asgardians in detail in personality, Kelda has a certain stubborn quality to her. Whether in the refusal to give anyone the blame they rightfully deserve or that she doesn't even deserve, or against those who poke her so-rarely seen temper. She laughs, smiles, cries, and breathes in a way that she wishes. Kelda would rather be closer to Midgard than to Asgard, as seen when she wanders through the mortal world, eager and curious of the world of mortals.

History: Kelda was one of the many Asgardians whom Thor resurrected after the Ragnarok Cycle. While the rest of her people were content to sit within Asgard and live out old glories, the golden-haired goddess instead sought out new experiences within Midgard. Upon being returned to life, she traveled into the nearby town of Broxton, Oklahoma, attracting the attention of one of the mortal residents, Bill, the local fry cook. Kelda invited Bill to meet her in Asgard. Bill musters up the courage to answer Kelda's standing invitation to visit Asgard, and drops by. He brings her flowers which he bought on the way, though the attempt to deliver them just ends with her getting hit in the face with a rock. She shows him around Asgard, while the two flirt playfully, and he tries to explain basketball to the Asgardian males.

In time, Bill and Kelda fall in love with one another, to the extent that Bill leaves his home and business in Broxton to move to Latveria together, along with the other Asgardians. For Kelda, Bill's curiosity about the world around him and his sense of justice are some of his greatest qualities, and one of the reasons she fell in love with him. While in Latveria, some unruly Asgardians hassle Bill and goad him into a fight. Before Bill can enter the fight, Kelda arrives with an ice spear she summoned from the ongoing storm. She uses it to break the Asgardians' weapons and then gives it to Bill. She says it is poisonous and one scratch is capable of killing an Asgardian. The Asgardians flee and Bill says he is going to investigate the recent move of Asgard to Latveria from Oklahoma.

Tragically, however, Bill is murdered when he stumbles upon a conspiracy by Loki and Doctor Doom to harvest the organs of the Asgardians in order to give the armor-clad despot the secrets of immortality, but not before informing Balder of Loki's treachery and asking him to inform Kelda of his love for her.

Seeing her mortal love dead before her, Kelda swears vengeance on Loki and travels to Castle Doom to confront him. Instead she meets Doctor Doom, who goads her into a fight. She follows him deep into the castle and falls into his trap. Doom rips her heart out and leaves her body on the floor.

Thor and the others Asgardians go to Latveria to punish Doom for the wrongs done to the people of Asgard. Doom throws down the corpse of Kelda and Thor is furious. However Loki appears and he says he can save Kelda. But Loki can only save Kelda if someone recover her heart, which was seized by Doom. Thor and Doom fight.

Balder recovers the heart of Kelda and returns it to Loki. Loki saves Kelda, bringing her back to life, but Kelda is very sad because Bill is dead. Later, Kelda talks to the parents of Bill, revealing to them that Bill was dead. She takes the blame for his death upon herself, wallowing in grief, even when the enemy of the Asgardians appear to kill her or cart her away...until Bill's mother tells her that Bill wouldn't want Kelda to be so unhappy with herself, and gives Kelda the confidence and courage to enable the distraught goddess to defend the family.

Strengths: Kelda's abilities are centered around control of storms, rain, ice and winds. She has the ability to conjure objects made of ice, such as spears and swords, that are (presumably) substantial enough to use as practical weapons--she may also make these ice blades sufficiently poisonous that a single cut from one can kill even an Asgardian. She can hold herself aloft on conjured winds with no apparent effort, and can partially transform herself into a vortex of air, allowing for swift flight. Although her weather control abilities are obviously less powerful than Thor's, Balder himself has stated that she is 'high among us' (meaning Asgardians) in terms of overall power. When angered, she called forth lightning blasts that were sufficient to utterly destroy one of Dr. Doom's robotic doubles.

Weaknesses: Kelda is a goddess. But this does not necessarily mean that she is all-powerful, nor immune to death. Kelda can be hurt and injured just as another other person can be. While she does not quite bleed, she does show her pain.

Preferred drop-in point: You pick.

What are some of your plans for this character in their new environment?

First Person Journal Sample:
[Kelda stands, best as she can in a baggy sweater and sweatpants, standing with a dozen other people near one of the buildings where the refugees are sent after being "sorted" at the Baxter Building. She's still quite lovely, but the sorrow and the pain shows in her features, how losing a dearest loved one marks her. She looks grimly into the camera lens, unamused, but not yet indifferent.] Is there another person who I may hold council with? I do not appreciate the callous hands of the strange men... [She reaches a hand up and pushes back her still-wet bundle of long gold hair.] I was told that Reed Richards has caused my arrival upon this world. While I do not know Reed Richards personally, I do know that whence there be trouble with Reed continues.

Third Person Sample:
Lady Kelda of Asgard glides upon the winds high above. She lets the cool air flow through her golden hair, and the rain pelt her body, though she feels little cold and little moisture seeping through her skin. She is a goddess. She is Asgardian. And she is immortal. Immortal, thanks to the bites of the golden apples she would take, each one providing her with longer life and health. Apples that were plucked by the hands of Amora. The enchantress.

She is immortal.

And how Kelda wishes that she were not. With immortal body, and immortal actions, comes the immortal pain she feels over the loss of her greatest love. She will never forget the face of her love. The way he would wear his cap boyishly, or how he would look at her tenderly, and place his large hand over her smaller hand.


Lady Kelda of Asgard's dearest love. Her Bill.

Higher Kelda rises on the winds, pushing back the torrent of emotions fraught within her body and mind. The wind howls louder, and the storm rages overhead as thunder rumbles in the clouds. Kelda stretches out her arm, wind circling her and keeping her afloat. Her chest becomes tight. Her eyes close tightly.

The storm rages.

...until Kelda lets the tension go within her. She lets go of the fear. She lets go of the tears. She lets go of the pain and the sadness that has welled deep within she drifts slowly on the winds that let her down. When her feet touch the ground, the thunder ceases. The rain stops pelting down harshly from above. The sky starts to clear...

Kelda misses her love. Deeply. Truly.


She lets out a shudder, and then sigh, as she raises her head...and looks out to the horizon.

...but Bill would want her to be happy and well. And for Bill...she will do this.

application, ooc

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