Boris - Борис - To fight
Dima - Дима - Ruler of the world, (from Vladimir)
Morozov - Моро́зов - of the frost
Nicolai - Victorious people
Vasili - King, Tsar
Maksim - The greatest
Viktor - Victor
Aleksandra - Protector
Bannan - Ram
Russians have like the strongest, manliest, most dominant names ever.
House elf: Povarska
Povar = cook, flunky, lackey.
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^ lol annaxboris
On Nicolai:
Nicolai is older than Boris by three years. He's completely different type of asshole than his petulant little brother. In many ways he's his opposite, logical and calculating where Boris is brash, a leader where Boris is... not. Amazingly cunning and manipulative, he would have fit right into Slytherin had he attended Hogwarts, and then he would have proceeded to take it over. He's smooth and personable, pulling off the 'nice guy' facade a lot better than his brother does.
He's not just Boris's superior mentally, he's superior physically, too. He inherited all the best traits from his parents: his mother's lean build, good looks and blonde hair, and his father's height. The one thing he and Boris have in common is their father's cold brown eyes.
Nicolai finds his brother's jealousy rather funny, and often does things to push him for laughs. On the rare occasion that Boris manages to do something that truly pisses him off, Nicolai exacts his revenge with cruelty his pureblood ancestors would be proud of.
On Pavorska:
The Morozov family's long-featured house elf. She's around 40 years old, currently, quite young for a house elf. She's particularly skilled with cooking, and wears a dishcloth as a dress, a nicely patterned pink piece of curtain as cape and a napkin folded into a bow on her ear. Boris makes sure her 'clothes' stay nice, and sees that they're replaced when needed. He quite dotes on her, as she was (and quite possibly still is) his best friend. He always stands up for her when he thinks she's being mistreated, much to the exasperation of his parents.
She will be inherited by Nicolai, probably as a wedding gift when the time comes.
On Boris and Nicolai's relationship:
Boris has always been caught between a worship and complete loathing of his elder brother. On one hand, he was smart, funny, and talented, and Boris learned lots of neat things from him-- on the other, he was smart, funny, and talented, and Boris wasn't. They played together a lot when it was just the two of them, but whenever Nicolai had friends over they wanted nothing to do with Boris, so he was stuck playing with their house elf instead.
Around the age of 5, Boris decided that he didn't need Nicolai, and that he could have fun and be just as cool and successful as Nicolai on his own. He spent a lot more time playing with Pavorska after this. He would spend his days thinking of ways that he could better Nicolai and show everyone that he was better than his stupid brother. Nic just sort of ignored it.
Once Nicolai was old enough for school, their relationship changed a little again. Sure, Boris was still amazingly jealous, but the draw of all the things Nicolai could teach him now that he was going to Durmstrang was... well. Boris begged to be taught, and Nicolai was more than happy to oblige. (Read: show off to his younger brother.)
When Boris was sent off to Hogwarts, it was back to the old competition. He studied books on dark arts with vigour teachers probably would have loved him to have put towards his other subjects. Maybe, he figured, he could keep up with, and maybe even surpass Nicolai this way.
It was a pipe dream, sure, but that year Boris did come home with something Nicolai didn't have: competency in English. (...Okay. He was working his way to it.) For once in his life, he was better than Nicolai at something. And he loved it.
Then, in his fifth year, Nicolai brought his girlfriend home on the winter break. This opened a whole other line of competition. It was from then Boris started working on developing his 'lady skills'. Of course, he went for a different tactic than Nic had, and in some ways, was more successful. He's bedded more girls than his brother has, but most of them were easy or drunk, so it's hard to say it if really counts. Either way, this success with women has comforted Boris, he's mellowed out a good bit and doesn't compete quite as vehemently with Nicolai anymore.
Currently, Boris is arguing with Nicolai over Pavorska. Being the oldest Nicolai is set to inherit the elf, but being so attached to her Boris is not happy with this. Nic didn't really care if he got her or not, but now that he knows that Boris wants her so badly, he's not planning on giving her up without amazing incentive.