Mar 27, 2006 22:29
Fred's mother Mirian died early this morning after a year long bout with cancer. I'm glad she's free and now have to look after Fred. His parents were together for 60 years this year. Would that we all find such a person.
For those of you who don't know Fred is my spiritual father and has basically taken care of me since we met when I was in ninth grade. As in he used to come and pick me up at midnight from Mcdonalds and wash m uniforms on a daily basis. He paid for my last two years of tuition in high school and cosigned my college student loans. He has basically been my father since my freshman year of high school. When my mother used to kick me out of the house I would walk the twelve miles to Fred's rectory. He's been there for me when no one else has and I credit my escaping Schuylkill county to his influence.
Bishops and priests, and cantors, and god only knows who will congregate. I will avoid them like the plague and remain as close as possible to Fred's family.