[OOC: Application]

Mar 24, 2010 23:40

NAME: Menolly or just Menny
JOURNAL: I don’t really have one that I've used in years.
AIM: Menolly5600
RETURNING: Yes. Re-apping Ysera.

Ysera, aka The Dreamer, She of the Dreaming, Mistress of Dreams, Lady of Dreams, Queen of Dreams. She’ll answer to any of them but doesn’t consider any of them to be a superhero moniker.
World of Warcraft
After the novel Stormrage, before the Cataclysm expansion, after the fall of the Lich King.
Hero. She’ll be keeping the dog tags for now.
She’ll answer to any of these, but they’re more respectful titles given to her by others than her own choice of label, or a superhero name: The Dreamer, She of the Dreaming, Mistress of Dreams, Lady of Dreams, Queen of Dreams.
Ysera. Um, she’s a dragon, Ruler of the Emerald Dream, Aspect, and leader of the green dragonflight. I don’t really think she’ll get a normal civilian job any time soon…


Untold ages ago the world of Azeroth was created by the Titans, incredibly powerful beings akin to gods, which came from across the cosmos. The Titans are beings of creation and order, and they travel the vast reaches of space bringing order and creation to the universe. When they shaped Azeroth, the Titans created the Emerald Dream as a blueprint. Many design ideas were formed and then abandoned in favor of other designs. These abandoned or failed designs exist as hidden layers within the Emerald Dream. Once a final design was chosen and the Titans shaped the world, they seeded the new planet with progenitor races they created out of living stone and metal. Then the Titans turned their attention away from Azeroth and to other things.

In their absence, Azeroth was infected by ‘parasitic necrophotic symbiotes’ as the Titans called them, or in layman’s terms, the Old Gods, ancient beings of madness and pure evil. The Old Gods infected the progenitor races with the ‘Curse of the Flesh’, making them mortal to aid their assimilation of the planet.

When the Titans returned, they discovered the Old Gods and their lieutenants, the Elemental Lords, and their minions. Seeing the evil chaos of the Old Gods and their elemental minions, the Titans waged war upon the Old Gods. The Elemental Lords and Old Gods were defeated but the Titans discovered that the infection by the Old Gods was so widespread that it would destroy the planet if they killed the Old Gods. Instead they imprisoned them deep beneath the earth and banished the Elemental Lords and their minions to an abyssal plane. The Titans were unable to stop the degeneration of the progenitor races into flesh and blood mortal beings, so they arranged to have more untainted progenitor races created to develop the planet according to the Titan’s plans. The Titans also created the Dragon Aspects to monitor and safeguard the world.

The immense protodragon Galakrond was the progenitor of dragonkind, including the five great flights known today in Azeroth. From his offspring, the Titans picked the leaders of the five most powerful dragonflights to become the Aspects: Alexstrazsa the Red, Ysera the Green, Nozdormu the Bronze, Malygos the Blue, and Neltharion the Black. Each Aspect was granted a portion of a Titan’s powers. The Titan Eonar, the LifeBinder, chose Ysera to watch over, guide, and protect the verdant wilds of nature and the Emerald Dream. Ysera fell into an eternal trance allowing her to see both the Emerald Dream and its physical mirror, Azeroth, at the same time. Having entrusted Azeroth to the dragonflights, the Titans departed once more.

A great age of dragons began as the dragonflights flourished and spread across all of the single great continent of Kalimdor; and the green dragons spread throughout the Emerald Dream as well. In honor and love of Ysera, the green dragonflight built a beautiful complex of domed buildings to serve as Ysera’s home and seat of power within the Emerald Dream. Known as the Eye of Ysera, the gleaming golden domed building that is Ysera’s sanctuary is rarely visited by anyone uninvited. The buildings at the Eye of Ysera are the only buildings in the entire Emerald Dream. As part of their charge over the Emerald Dream, the green dragonflight also guards the five Great Trees of Azeroth which have permanent gateways to the Emerald Dream anchored in their trunks. Each of these Great Trees are guarded by green dragonkin, and the four on the continents of Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms were guarded by Ysera’s lieutenants, powerful green dragons named Lethon, Emeriss, Taerar, and Ysondre.

The Emerald Dream is a lush, primordial, but potentially dangerous, paradise where creatures that have gone extinct in Azeroth, or never had a chance to evolve, flourish. It is a realm of spirit, deeply bound to the ebb and flow of nature and life in Azeroth. And it is where all beings’ spirits go to dream of hope and creativity for the future. Nature spirits, demi-gods, and fae all exist in, and travel to, the Dreaming. And from within the Emerald Dream, Ysera guided the evolutionary paths of nature in Azeroth and watched over the other sentient creatures through their dreams. Inside the Emerald Dream, time is meaningless and distance is relative in the Dreaming. Because of this, many of the green dragons, particularly Ysera’s consorts whom rarely leave, are effectively immortal.

Being the Mistress of the Emerald Dream, Ysera met and befriended a number of the demi-gods and other Eternals (immortal but not invulnerable beings) that traveled to the Dreaming. Among them was Malorne, one of the greatest demi-gods of nature, a great white stag. When his son, Cenarius, was born, Ysera felt the power of his presence from within the Emerald Dream. Cenarius was also deeply connected to nature and to the Emerald Dream. When his mother, Elune the Moon Goddess, gave Cenarius up to be raised by Malorne since he was more a creature of flesh than spirit, Ysera took the young demi-god as her adopted son and raised him with her dear friend Malorne. She taught Cenarius the secrets of nature and the Dreaming, and Cenarius would later go on to teach the Night Elves these secrets of druidism. Because of this, Ysera has always had a special place in her heart for the druids of Azeroth, regardless of race or nation.

However, most night elves gave up the powers of druidism to turn to an increasing addiction to the arcane magic of the Well of Eternity, a wellspring of energy created by the Titans to nourish the planet. However, the extensive use of this fount of power drew the attention of the Burning Legion, armies of demons and evil beings led by a corrupt Titan, Sargeras, and bent on scouring the order of the Titans’ creations from the universe. Ten thousand years ago, the night elven, highborne queen, Azshara ,was guided by her wicked counselor Xavius to open a portal for the Burning Legion and invite them in. This led to the War of the Ancients. The night elves Malfurion, his twin Illidan, and Tyrande had rediscovered Cenarius and druidism, but only Malfurion proved to be an apt student of the power and teachings Cenarius offered. These three discovered Azshara and Xavius’s plans and together with the forces Cenarius gathered and the five dragonflights they succeeded in stopping the Burning Legion by destroying the Well of Eternity which caused the Sundering of the continent. Malfurion turned Xavius into a tree, and Azshara and her remaining followers became naga due to an Old God’s intervention, and retreated into the oceans.

During the battles, many of the Ancient demi-gods were killed, including Ysera’s close friend Malorne. Arriving in time to see him dead, Ysera tore her way through the ranks of the demons, enraged and grieving. She drove the demons from his body and cried over his corpse, mourning his passing.

However, the dragonflights took grave losses in that war due to the treachery of their own. The Aspect of the black dragonflight, Neltharion the Earth-Warder had been secretly corrupted by the whispering evils of an Old God trapped deep within the planet. His madness had spread throughout his flight, but he had hidden it from his siblings, the other Aspects, and their dragonflights. The Old God guided him to create a talisman that he named the Dragon Soul, but later became known as the Demon Soul. Convincing the other Aspects that it would be a decisive weapon against the Burning Legion, Neltharion had each of them put a good portion of their power into the disk. However, he did not add his own power.

When the dragonflights gathered to fight the Burning Legion alongside their allies of the younger races, Neltharion used the Dragon Soul to obliterate huge numbers of the Legion’s demons; however, then he turned the power of the Dragon Soul on the night elven armies. Horrified, the other dragons rushed to stop him. However, due to the power each Aspect had imbued into the disk, Neltharion was able to control the other dragons and force them to a standstill. But Korialstrasz, Alexstrasza’s consort, was able to break Neltharion’s concentration and free the rest of the dragonflights. The blue flight, led by Malygos, the Spell-Weaver, were especially adept at magic due to their flight’s charge over the magic of the world. They were the first flight that attacked Neltharion. However, Neltharion turned on them and destroyed almost the entire blue dragonflight. Only Malygos and a handful of others were able to escape destruction. Neltharion, later naming himself Deathwing, fled the wrath of the other dragonflights. The other dragonflights, devastated by the betrayal went into hiding in hopes of recovering from the Demon Soul’s power. Ysera led her flight back into the Emerald Dream.

After the war, Alexstrasza, Ysera, and Nozdormu placed an enchantment on the Demon Soul, preventing any dragon from wielding it. The disk was then hidden deep beneath the earth to keep it out of anyone’s hands. Then the three Aspects went to the Night Elves and discovered that Illidan had secretly created a new Well of Eternity on top of Mt. Hyjal. Fearing that the well would bring the Legion back to Azeroth, the Aspects acted to contain and temper its power. Alexstrazsa planted an acorn from the Mother Tree G’Hanir in the Well of Eternity. It grew into the World Tree, Nordrassil. Ysera blessed the tree, binding it to the Emerald Dream, and Nozdormu’s blessing on it granted the Night Elves immortality. A pact was made with the Night Elven druids to guard the tree and to spend part of their lives in hibernation, walking the paths of the Emerald Dream to help learn from, and guide, nature in Azeroth with their powers. Nordrassil tempered the energies of the Well of Eternity through the power of the Emerald Dream, helping to hide it from the Burning Legion.

Since then, green dragons and night elves, especially druids, have had close ties. One particular group of night elves were given the honor and privilege of riding some of Ysera’s children as partners in battle and were known as the Dragon Riders of Loreth’Aran. Deathwing, ever hateful of the other dragonflights’ refusal to bow to him, sent a lieutenant and some of his brood and wiped out the green dragons and the city of the riders. The blacks continued to attack and kill members of the other flights over the ages, and the other flights retaliated by hunting the blacks nearly to extinction. The green dragons were the least decimated of the flights because of their ability to escape into the Emerald Dream.

A thousand years ago, the green flight, led by Ysera’s daughter Merithra of the Dream, aided the bronzeflight and the night elves in the War of the Shifting Sands against the insectoid minions of an Old God. Eventually the Silithid and Quiraji were pushed back into their city and sealed away. However, Ysera thought her daughter lost, sealed within with the evil creatures, until recently. The staff that was the key to the magical barrier holding them in was divided among the dragonflights. Ysera entrusted her shard of the scepter to her prime consort Eranikus. It was only recently discovered, after the staff was reassembled and the barrier opened, that Merithra had been captured and kept as a prisoner by the Old God C’Thun to drain and use her power to create powerful constructs of war.

During the Second War between the Orcs and the Allied forces of the humans, Ysera’s older sister Alexstrasza was captured by the Dragonmaw clan orcs. Deathwing had guided the Dragonmaw’s leader to find the Demon Soul and use it to capture her and her consorts. One of her consorts escaped capture, but the orcs forced her and her prime consort to mate and breed dragons for the orcs to use as war mounts. Ysera was deeply upset, but her powers were still bound by the Demon Soul. She knew that she too could be controlled by it if she rushed to save her sister. Korialstrasz came up with a plan to destroy the Demon Soul and save his Queen, Alexstrazsa. After a number of attempts to reach her, he finally managed to speak directly to Ysera and ask for her help. She in turn went to her brothers Malygos and Nozdormu and convinced them to help save their sister as well. They arrived in time to regain their full power with the Demon Soul’s destruction, and rescue Alexstrazsa and her eggs from Deathwing, whom had orchestrated the entire capture of Alexstrasza in order to steal her eggs.

Eranikus was Ysera’s prime consort and greatly trusted and beloved by her. She has entrusted him many times with tasks of great importance. When she learned that a cult of Trolls were trying to summon the evil blood god Hakkar the Soulflayer back into the world, she used her power to smash their temple deep into the swamp, sinking it beneath the waters of the Swamp of Sorrows. Fearing the trolls would return, she sent Eranikus and his brother Itharius to lead a force of green dragonkin and powerful drakes to guard the sunken temple. However, they had all underestimated the evils of Hakkar.

Staying in the temple, Eranikus fell prey to the whisperings of Hakkar and the Nightmare that was growing within the Emerald Dream. His brother Itharius escaped and sought ways to help free his brother from the corruption. But it wasn’t until the Keeper of the Grove summoned Eranikus from the Nightmare in the Emerald Dream to Moonglade that he was cornered long enough for High Priestess Tyrande to call upon Elune to purify Eranikus of the corruption. Although Eranikus intended to return to his beloved’s side, however, he discovered that the Nightmare continued to whisper to him. Fearing he would succumb again, he fled into hiding and refused to re-enter the Emerald Dream. Ysera understood his fears and knew that he stayed away for fear he would betray her. Though it pained her to not have him at her side once again, she respected his desire to keep her safe and did not seek him out, hoping that he would return to her side in time.

Ysera and the greenflight have clashed with servants of the Old Gods many times throughout the ages and her children and mates have suffered from the corruption. But no conflict has hit them harder and closer to home than the Nightmare.

The Nightmare is a corruption of the Emerald Dream. It is a mobile zone of evil corruption that has been growing larger and stronger for ages. As it grows, the landscape and creatures of the Emerald Dream caught in its path have been corrupted and twisted into Nightmare forms. Dreaming spirits caught in its path have become trapped and twisted by the Dream. Eranikus was not the only dragon caught and corrupted by the Nightmare. Ysera’s lieutenants, set to guard the Great Trees, were also corrupted beyond saving. Even Malfurion was captured by the Nightmare, his powers drained to empower the Nightmare further. As the Nightmare’s power grew, even the Eye of Ysera was captured by the expanding Nightmare zone. Ysera and her remaining consorts and flight escaped before they were captured.

Cenarius’ children, druids trapped or staying in the Dream, and the green dragons continued to fight the Nightmare despite waning hope of winning the war. For every defender that fell to the Nightmare, it gained another corrupted to attack the defenders with.

For ages, no one had been able to discover the source of the corruption, until the Nightmare Lord captured Malfurion. Only recently, since the fall of the Lich King, was it discovered that the power behind the Nightmare was the ex-satyr, ex-highborne counselor, Xavius. Although he was turned into a tree by Malfurion, Xavius’ evil remained. Under the guidance of an Old God, the evil tree Nightmare Lord insinuated himself into the new World Tree, Teldrassil, and spread his corruption into the Emerald Dream and Azeroth. Using Malfurion, Xavius expanded his power, taking over most of the Emerald Dream and corrupting more and more sleepers from all across Azeroth, trapping them in the Nightmare and using them to expand the ranks of his army of nightmares. Although Malfurion arranged a plan for his escape, it was all a convoluted trap laid by Xavius to lure Ysera into his grasp. Ysera led her flight to rescue Malfurion and created enough of a distraction to allow Tyrande and others to free Malfurion.

However, in the heat of battle a familiar, frightened and pained cry caught Ysera’s attention. It was Eranikus, her love, captured again by the Nightmare’s minions, being dragged into the corruption despite how hard he fought. Horrified at the thought of losing him again, knowing how afraid he’d been of betraying her because of the corruption, Ysera rushed to his defense. However, it was a trap. As she came close, ‘Eranikus’ turned on her and threw her into the Nightmare. It was not Eranikus at all. It was Lethon, one of her lieutenants irrevocably corrupted by the Nightmare, disguised as Eranikus to trick her. Malfurion’s entire capture had been bait to lure Ysera out so that Xavius could capture her and bend her power to his will.

Ysera was imprisoned within her own sanctuary, the Eye of Ysera. Although she fought with all her might, she could not escape and her power was gradually being drawn and twisted to strengthen the Nightmare. With her power, the Nightmare Lord was able to thin the barrier between the Dream and Azeroth to the point where his Nightmare army would become real and solid in the physical world. The few remaining awake defenders left among all the races were fighting losing battles against their twisted nightmare kin and loved ones and their sleepwalking bodies.

Despite all seeming lost, Malfurion now knew who the Nightmare Lord was, and he knew where the evil tree was located in Azeroth. He gathered the remaining defenders from all across Azeroth, from every race and even the animals, and had them enter the Emerald Dream and march on the Nightmare’s forces while Malfurion planned to strike the Nightmare Lord’s tree self in the Dream and Azeroth simultaneously. Meanwhile, the real Eranikus learned of Ysera’s capture. Horrified and desperate to save her, he refused to participate in Malfurion’s distraction plan, and instead rushed into the Emerald Dream to save her despite his fears of the Nightmare. Ysera tried to dissuade him, knowing that Malfurion’s plan was the best hope for saving the realms. But he refused to leave her. Lethon, boosted to new heights of power by the Nightmare, attacked Eranikus and tried to corrupt him again. Eranikus fought Lethon to hold him off, letting Malfurion continue to weaken Ysera’s prison. Ysera fought desperately to break free of the weakened prison to save Eranikus from Lethon. Lethon thwarted their efforts with the Nightmare’s power, but Eranikus seized the corrupted dragon, determined to save his mate even if it killed him. Ysera tried to stop him, but knowing he couldn’t defeat Lethon with the monster empowered by the Nightmare, he phased them between the two realms and let the instability of the barrier tear Lethon apart as the Nightmare dragon drew more Nightmare energy into himself to try to escape. The destruction took Eranikus with it, killing him, but Malfurion was able to use the force of the destruction to shatter Ysera’s prison and free her. Breaking free of the torment of her imprisonment, grieving, Ysera drove back the Nightmare, but was so exhausted by her ordeal that it was all she could do to escape to Azeroth and collapse into unconsciousness in Darnassus.

By the time she awakened, the battles were over. Malfurion had rallied all the forces of the remaining, uncorrupted defenders. Calling upon all the remaining free druids, Malfurion summoned a storm to drive back and purify the Nightmare forces and wake the sleepers. Then he struck down Xavius’ physical and dream forms at the same time. Xavius was destroyed and what remained of the Nightmare was driven back and imprisoned within the Rift of Aln deep in the Emerald Dream.

Ysera presided with her sister over Malfurion and Tyrande’s marriage, honored and pleased to be given the honor by the druid whom had saved the Dream and Azeroth from the Nightmare. She also blessed the new World Tree, Teldrassil, recognizing that even if she hadn’t approved of its creation in the beginning, it was now a symbol of the hopes for the world and the future and was worthy of her blessing. After the ceremony, she led her remaining consorts and flight back to the Emerald Dream.


Like all dragons, Ysera tends to be proud and to view dragons as above the younger races. But she is also compassionate and benevolent to the younger races, particularly those that gain her approval or blessing, such as the druids and night elves in general. She is not so prideful as to refuse to admit when a member of a younger race has accomplished something she could not, either. She enjoys teaching those she likes and also has a strong mothering streak.

She is fascinated by the dreams, hopes, and ambitions of the younger races and takes her charge over the Emerald Dream, and the dreams of the future of the world, quite seriously. She does her best to ensure that the Dreaming continues to be a place where hope and dreams can flourish for all the peoples of Azeroth.

She does not like to fight or cause deliberate harm to others without just cause. She avoids combat when she can and abhors it within her realm of the Dream. But when angered she can be terrible in her wrath. She can be paranoid and cautious when it comes to a distant, looming threat. But when confronted directly with a danger to those she cares for she will risk herself to protect her loved ones even to the point of recklessness. She also has a tendency to be impulsive when emotions come into play.

She prefers the beauty and purity of the Emerald Dream over the physical realm of Azeroth and rarely leaves the Dream. She spends much of her time in the Eye of Ysera, her sanctuary within the Dream, watching over the dreams of the younger races and her connection to the Dream. Although she enjoys being with those she cares for, she also cherishes her time to meditate and contemplate about dreams and the secrets of nature and creation.

She loves her consorts and her children, and the loss of any of them pains her. She has great trust in them and cherishes their loyalty and love freely given to her.


1) Dragon form (Canon) - She can assume the form of a huge green dragon. This power comes with the abilities inherent to her dragon shape such as flight, claws, teeth, tail club, magical nature, breath weapon, etc. She cannot maintain the shapeshift indefinitely. The longer she stays in that form, the more draining it becomes to maintain the shape. After 8 straight hours she will be unable to maintain the shape and will revert, she will be unable to change again until she’s recovered her strength. This transformation can be slowed or paused partway.

2) Dream/Sleep powers (Canon) - Ysera has the ability to see, manipulate, and physically enter dreams - both her own and others’. These powers include waking daydreams. I understand that this power will require a permissions post and will leave it up to the players of each individual character to decide how much Ysera can see/alter/do regarding their dreams and sleep.

Ysera can passively sense the presence of dreams in a range roughly half the size of the city but she can’t see a dream clearly unless she focuses on it, otherwise there are so many dreams in that range that she can’t make out specific details. Farther out, her passive dream sense fades. However, beyond that range she can actively reach out for and locate the dreams of someone she knows - the farther away the person is, the harder it is to do and the more exhausting it is for Ysera. Unless she has met someone in person before or has previously focused on and seen their dreams she will not be able to sense/see someone’s dreams across the comm system. And even then she can only do so if she focuses on that person.

By being able to see and sense dreams she can use something called dreamsight- seeing dreams and the real world at the same time even when her eyes are closed (she normally keeps them closed). This allows her to get a glimpse of the true natures of others by seeing their souls/dreamselves as well as seeing their dreams when she sees someone. This ability is line of sight only. It will not work over comms.

She can put others to sleep or wake them - even from unnatural sleep states, and she can indirectly influence others’ dreams - soothing or even causing nightmares. This includes daydreams. By indirectly, I mean that the changes to the normal dream are not chosen and directed by Ysera. It is the dreamer’s mind that directs the changes, not Ysera. Indirectly causing nightmares would result in the dreamer having bad dreams and nightmares crafted by their own subconscious - whatever those might be. Soothing away bad dreams would cause the dreamer to have calming, good dreams created by their subconscious. Ysera does not have to know or guess at what would scare or soothe the dreamer, she just triggers it. She can only do this in her passive range, or if she knows the dreamer.

She can also directly manipulate dreams to suit her purposes; this includes waking and sleeping dreams. Altering dreams is taxing on her and overdoing it will exhaust her. The longer she tries to maintain the manipulation the harder it will be on her. An alteration to a dream will revert to its normal state if she stops making the effort. This can only be done if she can enter a dream or is in line of sight to alter a waking dream.

She can thin the barrier between dreams and the real world, letting things from a dream spill out into the real world. Thinning the barrier has several stages - she can make dreams appear as if real to the dreamer but no one else will see them, or she can actually make them appear visible and semi-tangible or tangible to everyone for a short time. This only works with dreams she can see and are in line of sight. This will not work over the comms. This is very draining on her to maintain.

She can phase in and out of a dream, causing herself to appear intangible in the physical world when phasing through the border. She can also travel through dreams by entering a dream and exiting at another location - either a location she knows, or a location of someone she knows and can locate. She cannot take anyone else with her. By entering a dream she can also communicate with the dreamer. Staying in a dream is taxing on her strength and stamina. If she stays too long she’ll start losing the focus and strength to control her powers. Eventually, after about 3 hours, she’ll collapse and slip back into the real world if she insists on trying to stay in a dream beyond her limits.


[For a moment there are only sounds, slightly faded as if by distance. Far off are traffic sounds. Closer there are some children laughing and calling out to each other. A faint cooing of pigeons erupts into a flurry of wings as the sound of a bicycle dopplers close and then away. Over all of that is a faint tapping and rustling as of fingers prodding buttons and turning the comm this way and that.

And then a woman’s voice speaks. She sounds calm and collected, but slightly dubious.]

If the child spoke rightly, then this should be on… [There is a pause before she speaks again.] I am told this speaks to many.

I seek the lord of this place. When I asked for the king of the humans of this nation I was told there was no king, there is only a… president. I do not know this term, but I am told he resides in a white house in DeeSee.

I wish to know more of this leader of men before I seek him out. I have much to speak of with him regarding some of his subjects.

[Another pause and then her tone is harder and more determined than before.] This dream is not right and I intend to find out why.


Ysera frowned down at the strange device in her hand. It reminded her of something a gnome might dream up, but it was not quite like anything she’d seen in the waking world before. Raising her head, she frowned again, this time at the dark panel on the wall near the glowing platform she had arrived on.

Despite her words, and even demands, the glossy panel remained dark and empty …just like the rest of this building. It had failed to answer her questions. She still did not know where she was or how she had been brought here. She did not know who this laughing construct’s master was, either. She knew there was no one else within this building but her. She could sense no dreamers nearby in any direction. But that was not the most disturbing aspect of finding herself here. She could not sense the Dream. Somehow, something must be blocking her - how, she had no idea. Though she suspected it had something to do with the fact that she had been forced unwillingly into a humanoid form and her power had been greatly diminished. Only the lack of someone to blame had kept her from rashly acting against her captors… whoever they might be. Also, this room was far too small for her to change back just yet.

She turned her head as if glancing around, but her eyes remained closed. Even so, she could see with perfect clarity… and what she saw was disquieting. There was no life around her. There was no sign that anyone lived or worked in this strange, sterile, metal room.

It was wrong. So terribly wrong. Life should be everywhere. Even in the most inhospitable seeming of places, life could find a way to flourish. Ysera knew this well. She had even helped it to do so.

Beyond this building, though, she could sense the dreams of people, which was reassuring. But even that seemed strange to her. Most of those dreams seemed to come from humans, so very many humans, far more than in even the capitol cities on festival days. And there didn’t seem to be any of the other races among them… But there were so very many dreams… daydreams, sleepers, nightmares… it was actually difficult to sort them out and focus on any one dream… too difficult. That had never happened before in all her years. She was of the Dream. The Emerald Dream was her realm. She watched over and safeguarded the dreams of all who dreamt in Azeroth. She should not have had trouble focusing on one dreamer out of many. And she most certainly should not feel her grasp on the dreams fading the farther away she reached…

But worst of all. She could not see the Dream. She could not even feel it. The Emerald Dream was just… gone. At first, it had been terrifying to think it had somehow ceased to exist. But she had quickly concluded that the Dream couldn’t possibly have been destroyed. Not even the Nightmare Lord could cause the Dream to utterly cease to exist. It was the foundation of the world. Obviously, something must be blocking her from sensing her connection to it. Whoever was behind her unwilling arrival in this chamber and the changes in her form must be behind it. Perhaps the same thing reducing her power had blocked the Dream from her.

Ysera turned her head once more to the empty panel. She felt as if a shiver crawled up her currently nonexistent tail. Then she turned away. As much as she felt her captors needed to be taught not to pull the tail of a dragon, she had more pressing concerns than waiting around for them to show themselves. There was something wrong with the Dream.

A feeling of panicking fear and loss she had not felt since Eranikus’ death coiled cold and painful within her. This was not right! This should not be! And the only clues she had to what was happening were not to be found in this empty chamber.

Giving a closed-eye glare to the still empty panel, she picked up the items the construct had given her. If nothing else, they were a clue to the construct’s creators and might lead to answers. Then she turned to make her way out of the building and its uncomfortable silence. She would find the lord of this city and learn who this building belonged to and who had created this teleportation device.

And on the way out, she would keep an eye out for that ‘brochure,’ whatever that might be, that the construct had mentioned. At this point, any clues to what had been done to her and her Dream would be helpful.


In Azeroth, Ysera and the other Aspects are on a par with demi-gods as far as power goes. All of Ysera’s power levels, except her physical strength, have been reduced greatly from her usual levels upon her arrival in the City. Most of her abilities are also taxing on her energy and stamina, and overuse will leave her exhausted and drained. She will have to rest and recover before she can do much else with her powers.

Unlike back in the Emerald Dream, Ysera’s range that her dream related powers will work is greatly diminished. She can no longer see all the dreams in the world. She is limited to the area around her roughly half the size of the City, or if she specifically focuses on someone, or an area, she’s already familiar with. Since she was only aware of dreams in Azeroth she will only initially be able to immediately identify those from Azeroth through their dreams. As she spends more time in the City, meeting people and seeing the dreams within her range, she will be able to identify and locate more people through their dreams. Unless she already knows your character through their dreams, she will not be able to see their dreams when talking over the comms - and even for those she does know, she will have to consciously focus on that person to do so. In person she will be able to sense something about the dreams of a person, including daydreams, fantasies, inspiration, etc. What, and how much, she sees depends on what and how much the other person thinks about and gets caught up in their thoughts. This will also be up to the other muns.

Ysera’s true form is of an immense green dragon. At a very rough estimate based on her World of Warcraft in-game appearance and scaling based on other dragon models, Ysera is about 200ft long and 40ft tall at the shoulder - this is probably a very conservative guess. Despite her vast size, she is lithe, graceful and swift. Her skin glitters with countless scales like emeralds. Often when straddling the Dream and the physical world her dragon form appears as almost ethereal, like a vision from a dream, but she can also appear wholly solid whether in the Dream or out.

She almost always has her eyes closed; despite this she can see both the physical world and dreams simultaneously with perfect clarity. Due to her connection to the Emerald Dream her eyes are unique when seen open. They are glowing jade green, but they are also a kaleidoscope of colors. Within her eyes, someone can see the eyes and dreams of every creature that dreams. When someone sees them, it is as if they are slipping into every dream the viewer has ever had and they feel as if their subconscious is opening up to Ysera.

Her transformations are a shifting of the body and form rather than a magical glow or instant change. Because of this it is possible to pause or slow the change partway through the transformation. Her humanoid form is one similar to a night elf. Her form and face are very similar to a night elf, except slightly rounder of face, almost as if mixed with human traits. Her hair is a rich lustrous green, but she often wears a hood. Also when her hood is down or removed, she has small horns.
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