View of Today #4,379,873,004.

Feb 11, 2004 21:40

So, today seemed much longer than usual because the ever beloved Margie forgot to pick up the carpool again and did not answer her cell phone, home phone, or any number her son could think of. So we spent a half-hour waiting around school before Mom showed up.

Then I found out that one of the cars has a flat tire-again-leaving us with one available, because Dad had the other at work. Mom and Carey both had stuff to do, plus Mom had to get to a bishop's appointment I was having with my parents, so it meant I couldn't take a car down to the gym for my last session with Tony. AND she had a chiropractor's appointment at 4:30, and I needed to be at the gym before 4:45, so I ended up getting dropped off at the gym at 4:20.

I spent the extra time walking on a treadmill, because I figure since the coach in gym class makes us do twenty to thirty laps around the gym before we start I should be used to walking by now. On the second day of gym he made us try to get 500 jumpropes in fifteen minutes. I was incredibly disappointed when I only got something like 469 or something. Then we had to beat our record in ten minutes the next time, and I was pleased to get 489. Then today we did it again and I got 589 in fifteen minutes. Go me.

Anyway, today was my last session with Tony. For a month or so I'm exercising by myself. It'll be great to be able to go to the gym any time I want. I might as well go right after school. *shrug*

But I'm sore, now. And I wasn't able to eat dinner right afterwards because I needed to get to my appointment. After that was mutual. I'm in the priest's quorum now, and there was nothing really planned, so the bishop ordered us some pizza and we ate it in the kitchen with some of the Laurels.

Then I had to stay a bit longer for a mini-rehearsal of the church play. Bleh. So I finally finally finally got home a few minutes ago, and now I'm going to go read my half-hour of scripture and go to bed. But before that, protein shake. Ew.

Oh, Tony also gave me a list of supplements that I need to get that will cost somewhere around $65.

The lady whose car I hit called, and she says she won't file a report with the insurance company if I pay her back in the next six months. Very fair deal, saves us money in the long run, but in the short run...I'm basically out $433. *sigh* All I did was nudge her, scratch her, and the repairman says, "HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS! NOW! NOW! NOW!!!"

Oh well. That will teach me not to pay attention to the stupid brake.
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