
May 02, 2006 22:34

So I'm an aunt.. for the eighth time. I swear, my family consist of nothing but, baby-making machines, and me.

I went to go see my new nephew tonight. He was 9 weeks early, so he's extremely tiny. As in 3 pounds, 14 inches tiny. I wouldn't touch him, because I didn't want him to fall apart in my hands. He has an IV in his head, and cords coming from every part of his body. I haven't cried in God knows how long, and I think tonight almost broke the barrier, but I held it in, because my sister and brother-in-law are going through some tough times, even though they're only 17. WTF? They're dumb, that's pretty much all I have to say about them. Oh, and they have two kids now.

Why is "Friends" on this late? I mean, I can't go to bed now, knowing that it's on. I can't miss it!

I miss my husband a whole bunch. ARGH!
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