(no subject)

May 03, 2011 16:01

I'm trying, slowly, to catch up on life following my holiday. The idea was that I'd get myself out the house a little more, then catch up on things that needed doing. I got the hang of getting out of the house more thanks to meeting a whole bunch of friends I hadn't in ages, and still have the intention of seeing dragonkiri soon, and have got tickets ready for Coulton coming up, so I guess that's all sorted. The doing things part...

... is a little harder when people insist on sodding botnetting my IRC network, forcing me to spend hours chaperoning and doing what I can to get the thing working again. Aaargh. Hopefully with any luck I can get started on singing_robots catchup later today, but right now I'm not even vaguely in the mood to actually write anything worth a damn.

RPing isn't going too bad? I need to get back into Camp and VDR, and maybe look a little further afield, but unfortunately all of that comes under the rather nebulous banner of 'need to get shit done this week' and given the attacks and the jetlagged sleep schedule I haven't really been in the mood. I'm better at structured times and sessions, apparently, since my own D+D 3.5 game has started off strong and the Super Robot Wars 4th ed game I'm in (yyyyup) is also starting off in rollicking fashion, where 'rollicking' is 'I have wilfully done serious injury to my character in the name of being badass'.


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