Upcoming Games: Shame Edition

Apr 01, 2011 13:01

God damn but what the hell.

04/01 - The 3rd Birthday (PSP UK)
04/01 - Ar Tonelico: Qoga (PS3 UK)
04/08 - Dynasty Warriors 7 (PS3 UK)
05/27 - Dungeon Siege (PC UK)

At least I don't have to talk about Agarent Zero Senki yet.

The 3rd Birthday a.k.a. Parasite Eve 3 is kind of very, very contentious. On the one hand I've heard from a number of reasonably well-informed sources that the gameplay isn't too bad, it's a fast 3rd person shooter that might fix the issues I had with Parasite Eve 1 and 2, which both seemed very slow and plodding in places. On the other hand, I've heard that the plot and the ridiculous 'battle damage' mechanic are super creepy and basically ignore the whole point of the franchise i.e. that Aya Brea being badass, kicking ass, and taking names. So I'm kind of torn on whether to buy it or not. Generally speaking, I prefer to do my hating from a fully informed position and I do have an alarmingly high tolerance bar for bullshit in games... I guess I'll see what price point it's placed at.

Ar Tonelico: Qoga is in much the same boat, apparently what was once a pleasant franchise with a unique battle system has been turned into a Star Ocean-esque action RPG where people... lose clothes. Why is this a recurring feature?! I admit to being pretty wary about this for several reasons - apparently the item creation has been dumbed down, and if that's true then it'll be a crying shame, as it has always been the best part of Gust games - even so, given the Gust roots behind it I am at least a lot more likely to buy this than I am 3rd Birthday.

Dynasty Warriors 7 is liable to end up in our house regardless, so I don't think I have to worry about getting to play it too hard. Certainly I've got enough games on my queue that I don't think I need to inflate it by actively buying a 200-hour-plus game when I can just osmose it instead.

Dungeon Siege involves Squeenix teaming up with Obsidian to turn the once Diablo-like point and click fest into a action RPG thing involving heavy use of dodging and rolling and stunting. I've heard some great things about this and some feedback from the developers seems to indicate it'll actually be really cool; certainly they seem to have taken the 'epic dumb fantasy' idea that make 2 so much fun to play and run with it full force. Looking forward to this heavily, then, and certainly hoping it'll be better than Dragon Age 2's pile of bilgewater.

I have a billion games to report on, but little to no time at work (which is where I manage to do most of my heavy writing these days). I'm hoping that the upcoming holiday will give me a chance to get caught up and crank out some much better reviews, as I've played a few games recently - most notably Dragon Age 2 and Yakuza 4 - that could really use the treatment.


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