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Jan 23, 2011 11:18

Games roundup! This is mostly for my own benefit as I'm trying to decide whether I should go stump up for Nier, which is apparently a supremely good but rather obscure RPG from the Drakengard guys and also full of badasses and grizzled fathers and deeply depressing as fuck.

... holy shit there are a lot of games.

01/25 - Lord of Arcana (US PSP, Feb UK)
01/31 - Koihime Musou ~A Heart-Throbbing, Maidenly Romance of the Three Kingdoms~ (UK PC)
02/08 - *Hyperdimension Neptunia (US PS3, March UK)
02/14 - Dragon Quest VI (US DS)
02/22 - Radiant Historia (US DS)
03/11 - *Dragon Age II (UK PC)
03/15 - *Ar Tonelico Qoga (US PS3, 25th UK)
03/15 - Okamiden (US DS)
03/15 - *Gods Eater Burst (US PSP)
03/25 - *Yakuza 4 (UK PS3)

... and I didn't even mention Deus Ex: Human Revolution for the 360, DW7, Knight's Contract, or more besides. What the hell.

Lord of Arcana looks like an over the top Monster Hunter, as if it had turned super-fantasy on us rather than the somewhat realistic trap-laying, will-kill-you-dead feel of the MH games. It's also by SWERY, the guy who did Deadly Premonition and turned a second-rate game into a first-rate experience, so it might be worth a try.

Koihime Musou blah blah blah is both terrifying and hilarious to see on the releases list. There is not the faintest chance I will ever buy it, it's just the fact that it's even sitting there like a great big pustule. Romance of the Three Kingdoms except everyone is a moe moe princess and Lu Bu is a kuudere who likes puppies. Thanks, guys.

Hyperdimension Neptunia is perhaps a little hypocritical coming off the back of that, I suppose. An Idea Factory RPG about anthropomorphic moe representations of game consoles and franchises, fighting against the devilish wiles of the XBox360? Well, okay, maybe just a little, but Idea Factory usually have interesting mechanical ideas and it looks like it'll be fun.

I'm pleased Dragon Quest VI exists, if only because it's good to see more of them come stateside. I doubt I'll actually play it, because I tend to find the games ponderously slow on handhelds, but it does look pretty solid and it seems like they've done a decent job on localisation.

Radiant Historia doesn't look very good, honestly. I mean, hurrah for Atlus but guys you've got to get some bigger name games in at some point, seriously. Screenshots don't look incredible and I'm not sure I can be bothered. I might try it before buying it, but...


Dragon Age II is probably a game I will have to play at some point, but you'll excuse me if I don't immediately slaver over yet another game by Bioware, because at this point they're honestly getting kind of old at this point. Maybe I will come from humble origins until an attack forces me to be pressed into service and have to go visit four different locations to get a party member at each. Maybe there will be romance subplots, a boring male character, and a token sarcastic non-human. Oy.

Ar Tonelico: Qoga is a game I've had my eye on for ages, if nothing else because I am something of a fan of Gust - especially when they seem to be the only guys making traditional RPG plots anymore at least until Namco pull their heads out of their ass and release Tales of Graces in a form I can fully understand.

Okamiden is the sequel / 'oh gosh isn't it cute' version of Okami on the DS, featuring a teeny tiny Atamaresu pup. I never properly played the original, but I might give this one a try. That said, it's going to be coming out right when the 3DS hits, so I might have to save my money.

Gods Eater Burst absolutely is an over the top Monster Hunter, it's practically written there on the brief. While focusing more on plot and single-player mode than the MH games it can be descibed as huge-weapon sci-fi, as in a post-apocalyptic future people wield weapons four times their size to take down behemothic enemies.

I'm a total convert to the Yakuza games after playing Yakuza 3, goddamn. An action RPG set in modern-day Tokyo, you direct the most badass of badass men Kazuma as he goes around being wise, being cool, punching everyone into oblivion then going and having a nice round of kareoke or bowling with his adoptive daughter. It's a glorious mix of strong plot and silly sidequests.


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