I'm back.

Jan 16, 2011 11:14

So, I'm back from my holiday to the US and Canada. Actually, more than back - I was home a week ago, but promptly got hit both by jetlag and a killer cold that was still lingering around the area, so I've been kind of laid up and haven't fully got the hang of day-to-day life once more.

It was a very good holiday, I'm pleased to say; as long as you ignore those periods where I had travel issues every single goddamn step of the way, it was otherwise very relaxing and a much-needed break from work. I met far more people than I can count or link here, especially as I'm not even sure who uses what nowadays - Katy and Jamie are saints for putting me up for a while and, when my travel plans got disrupted on the way back, driving me one hell of a distance so I could actually reach the airport. Ry took me to IHOP and I'm still trying to work out what I did to specifically deserve that, and I got to see Haru, Zazzle, Masami, Dosetsu, Seth and Hime besides. It's a shame I didn't have more time to see the entire Seattle crew, but the myriad of transportation problems basically meant it was far, far easier to put that off until Sakuracon, which I still fully intend to go to. Either way: I got sat on by cats a whole bunch, managed to sleep properly for the first time in months, marvelled at plumbing and showers that actually had power compared to our dying one, and did a ton of walking and poking around towns - not exactly very touristy towns, but then that wasn't why I was there, and I've never been the best of tourists anyhow.

And if it weren't already obvious from the holiday itself, bromanticisms and I are now a thing. We're still kind of working out what thing, though. A relationship? A mutually beneficial agreement? (That one's up for debate.) Possibly just an Admiral's Crew, or a pillow for the cat. It's hard to say.

So, what now? Well, aside from trying to get back into the swing of work, I've got a ton of things I need to get done. Since coming back from holiday I've been buzzing with nervous energy, and a real desire to sort out several aspects of my life, not least the fact that for too long I've been kind of standing still and not getting a whole lot done. We're going to have to move house soon, and I'm hoping to use that as a catalyst to throw out a whole ton of old crap like clothes and comics I'll never read and the amount of clutter I have, and work towards improving myself a bit. I was going fairly well last week until the illness kicked in proper; unfortunately, that's kind of left me staring at the walls as my head feels too clogged to concentrate, so I've been kind of milling around this weekend in an attempt to shrug it off. My only worry is that between work, moving, and everything else, I'll end up stretching myself as thin as usual.

I've got a ton of bits of internet to update or get back into: several games to catch up on, some quick anime and RPG talk to get done, and a whole lot of trying to get back in touch with people. Trying to constantly keep up with people as they move around is tiring, man. I'm sufficiently dead at the moment that for now I'll just indicate I also have a plurk at 'oftendistracted'; I don't expect to use it much, partially because WORDS WORDS WORDS, partially because I'm not enamoured with the design at all, and partially because I am and will always be an IRC purist when it comes to chatty applications, but it's there to avoid losing touch with people who've dropped off everything else.
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