Evidence!! *bouncing and flailing*
I know it's not first, but I have been trying really hard to be a good drabbler and I'm having so much fun and I'm SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!
Here are all the drabbles from Week 2 and they are all so awesome! And thanks for voting, everyone!!!
In other news: Mom, Dad and I dropped my littlest sister off at college for the first time. I was kind of ok, Parents were okay, Littlest was okay until we had to leave. She didn't want us to go home and kept making plans to fit the three of us into her 12x12 room (plus the roommate who hadn't shown up that day). Then we all got a little teary but thankfully there was no balling cause I would have lost it and that's NEVER pretty!
Thank god for facebook!!!! XD
Mom said "She's the silly putty that holds us together!" and that's kind of true. Not that we are an unhappy family or that she's absolutely essential to the happiness of the family, but she is such an amazing person. She has a very dry sense of humor and she can get so sarcastic and she can make the family rottweiler sing.
I'll miss her a bunch!! *wibbles a little*
More news!!!
snugglemint talked me into getting a tumblr account!! I am now
meeda-loves-you there! I got the name cause the kids I normally babysit call me Meeda; the oldest is 2 years old and her brother just turned 1. :D Anyway, there's not much there and I don't have many people to follow but I'm working on it!
So if you've got an account let me know! I'll stalk you!! *leers*
I think that's all the news I have for now, and if you've gotten this far have a virtual cookie!! I got them from the Dark Side!! XD