What's up everyone! I'm not tired even though is 15 til 4 am and I am super bored, so I decided to get up off my bum and post something semi-productive!!
Go me! XD
Here is a more in-depth description if anyone is interested. This is a fanart of the fic
Ectomancer by RustyRed and it's one of my all time favorite gen-fics EVER!!! Seriously, it's like nothing you've read before! That is... if you haven't read it already...
Anyway! It's slow to update and since I've finished this I have messaged RustyRed and haven't heard back, so I've decided to spread it around here on the off chance someone is best buds 4ever with someone's cousin who talks to people... that whole 7 degrees of separation thing. :D
So what do you think??? Concrit is totally appreciated!!
In other news, Round 3 of
slythindor100's LDWS contest is coming soon!! I've sent in my first drabble and I'm so nervous!! Voting is Wednesday-Friday, so don't forget to stop by and vote FOR ME for your favs!!
Also, I was super crazy enough to sign up for the
hp_sexstars fest, so I'm challenging myself to do another fanart (my own of course) and I can tell it's gonna be one heck of a ride! Especially since I only have a mouse at this time, and the majority of the piece is going to be done on the computer. T_T
ALSO!! Really quick, I have to know if anyone has seen the movie Sucker Punch yet??? I have and it's amazing~~!! I wanna squee with someone!!!
Aaaaand... I think that's it! Goodmorningnight all!!