
Jun 07, 2011 12:30

I have about the same level of glee when poring over animal conservation programs or history primary sources. Go figure! Applied at the zoo for volunteer work throughout June, since summer school only starts in July. I hope to hear back from them soon.

Completely unrelated, a quote from The Courts of Chaos, by Roger Zelazny:

Partway down, with the fog just beginning to creep and curl about me, I spotted an ancient tree and cut myself a staff. The tree seemed to shriek as I severed its limb.

'Damn you!' came something like a voice from within it.

'You're sentient?' 'I'm sorry...'

'I spent a long time growing that branch. I suppose you are going to burn it now?'

'No,' I said. 'I needed a staff. I've a long walk before me.'

'Through this valley?'

'That's right.'

'Come closer, that I may better sense your presence. There is something about you that glows.'

I took a step forward.

'Oberon!' it said. 'I know thy Jewel.'

'Not Oberon,' I said. 'I am his son. I wear it on his mission, though.'

'Then take my limb, and have my blessing with it. I've sheltered your father on many a strange day. He planted me, you see.'

'Really? Planting a tree is one of the few things I never saw Dad do.'

'I am no ordinary tree. He placed me here to mark a boundary.'

'Of what kind?'

'I am the end of Chaos and of Order, depending upon how you view me. I mark a division. Beyond me other rules apply.'

'What rules?'

'Who can say? Not I. I am only a growing tower of sentient lumber. My staff may comfort you, however. Planted, it may blossom in strange climes. Then again, it may not. Who can say? Bear it with you, however, son of Oberon, into the place where you journey now. I feel a storm approaching. Good-bye.'

quotes, books, bounce off the walls for no good reason

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