May 30, 2009 10:28

yarp, exams are here! Six this year! I just wrote English and Math yesterday. It wasn't too bad... On Monday it's Physics and French which won't be too bad either... I've heard that Physics is really long though... gah, I suck at time management!

I really need to enter some challenges on Vesp (they look so good), but I always end up doing something else when I open Photoshop these days... it's weird. Well, I have one of the sigs that are needed for the Angels & Demons challenge... I just need to make the angel sig, which should be easy considering I normally DO make light graphics... hmmm If only I could enter my previously made angel sig!

So it was one of my good friends' birthday yesterday, so I made her a mix. And... I figured I'd put up the covers cuz some of you (yes, you!) are Jacob fans. :D

anddddd the back

The picture I used for Taylor Lautner on the motorcycle is apparently from New Moon... Or so it said on the website... oh! And you guys should check out the songs on this mix I made. Good songs hey are, yes :D

Speaking of music, I have recently gotten very obsessed (well, not REALLY, but still) with Marianas Trench's new album. They're a Canadian band, and they're awesome, and you guys should check them out. Anyway, they're touring Canada! But I can't go to the concert they're having near my city because
a) none of my friends wanna go with me
b) my parents won't let me go alone
c) I don't want my parents coming with me (that's just really weird)


Lastly, it's...
This is from an author over at FictionPress. preludity She's amazing <3

01. Name: Cheryl
02. Birthday: Feb 25
03. Where do you live: Canada
04: What are you studying/What are you working as: Student!
05. What makes you happy: Oatmeal raisin cookies, music, art, graphics, my friends, talking to people, making people laugh
06. What are you listening to now/have listened to last: Marianas Trench YESH! Their new album <3

07. An interesting fact about you: I want to have a pet snake, but I am scared of snakes.
08. Are you in love/have a crush at the moment: Crushing on male celebs hehe.
09. Favorite place to be: not really a place, but I love to just sit down in an empty classroom or at my desk at home with a sketchbook and pencil and just sketch. It's so calming and it always makes me happy. I get so concentrated while drawing that it takes me a moment to notice someone's entered the room. Of course, I also normally have music playing at the same time, so... yeah.
10. Favorite lyric: I was born to tell you I love you, Isn't that a song already? Vulnerable by Secondhand Serenade
11. Best time of the year: AUTUMN Uhm, I like it when it's the middle of autumn, and maybe nearing the end. It's so pretty and it's getting cold, but you can still wear a sweater and light vest and go out. The leaves changing colour and the wind... it's romantic :D Well, also, I've always preferred colder temperatures.
12. Weirdest food you like: hmm... not really any... eggplant because of its name? I love eggplan hehe.

1. A film: I dunno! Forrest Gump/Curious Case of Benjamin Button?
2. A book: My Sister's Keeer by Jodi Picoult
3. A song: ooh, this is hard, I love so many songs! Build Me Up Buttercup cover by Busted featuring McFly
why? because I love Bused and McFly, and the song IS good (even the original) <3

4: A band: oh gosh, this one's even harder. I LIVE for bands. Can I put two? Pretty please? Okay, McFly (because they are just amazing) and Hanson/Marianas Trench (Hanson's AMAZING acoustic and Marianas Trench... their new album is simply amazing :D)
Okay... so I cheated... but it's ok, right? Riiiight.

1. One thing you like about me: Your writing (well, I only do know about you in that way hehe) well, and your blog entries... I also really like your taste in TV shows hehe.
2. Two things you like about yourself: ...skip? I dunno... I have perfect teeth and therefore don't need braces...? I really don't know... *fail*
3. Put this in your lj so I can tell you what I think of you? That's what I'm doing now.

wow... long post heh.

exams, meme, mix, marianas trench

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