dun' kill me finchory!

Sep 20, 2008 00:27

I'm back! YES! I'll probably update a bit more these days because I've finally gotten into school and I'm not throwing myself here and there that much because I'm late or confused or something. Now, I have a routine. Routine... Okay, not really.

I answered this meme more than a month ago and I haven't been too active until recently. I'm so sorry finchory! I'll do anything! I'll roll over like a dog, I'll post everywhere that I'm a crazy, irresponsible kook! Anything! (sort of)

1. Leave me a comment saying you want to do the meme.
2. I'll respond by asking you five personal questions so I can get to know you better.
3. You should update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You should include this explanation and offer to ask someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be asked, you will ask them five questions.

1. Who is your favorite asian actor?
Hm... I don't really have one... but I think it'd have to be Bosco Wong, just because he's cute and does a good job with funny/serious roles. But, I should say a handsome actor would have to be Kevin Cheng

2. What was the last movie you saw?
I saw the first thirty minutes of The Other Boleyn Girl and I want to see more of it... The last whole movie I saw would have to be Legally Blonde because it was playing on T.V. the weekend before school.

3. Chocolate or candy?
I'm not really a BIG fan of either one. I mean, I'll eat chocolate OR candy when I want to, but I never have this craving for it. I think I prefer chocolate because of dark chocolate. Though, candy comes close because of licorice and gummy bears (chewing their heads off is just so fun! -cackle-).

4. What is your favorite piece of music to play?
Piano - I don't think I'm really able to choose a favourite piece of music. I love modern pieces of 'classical music.' For example, Debussey's The Little Shepherd is really beautiful. I love the style of that music; how the composers create an impression of something and let you imagine most of it. Chopin, though, I love too. His pieces are so expressive and they always have that connect-y, foreign flavour.
Violin - Meditation by... I don't know who. It has such a sweet sound, and I love to play with my rubato on the first few notes.

5. What are your top three books?
I can't choose!
The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen
This Lullaby by Sarah Dessen
Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck
...okay... now I feel guilty for putting two Sarah Dessen books... BUT they ARE good ones!
Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling
Fine, I cheated a bit... but still... :D

food, meme, music, yay, books

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