Apr 05, 2005 23:58
Mercy Upon Us is sick ... look for their 4 song demo coming at you from 4:00 AM Studios.
Ariel makes the best mom jokes.
Jill makes the best mashed potatoes. Jill also is gonna kick my ass tomorrow at the dojang.
I have begun training in Aikido. If I'm not tired later I'll post more about it, but I'm very enthusiastic about the whole thing. Hopefully I can stick with this.
OBAB is moving out of my house, and it's no big secret that I'm breathing a sigh of relief. I'm glad that my mom finally said "no."
Tomorrow - Greenfield dojang with Jill, Nautilus workout, hangin with her after?
Thursday - OBAB show in Burlington VT????
Friday - Ariel's Play - should be wicked fun hey. I get to make fun of her like she makes fun of my mother.
Saturday - OBAB show in CT ... www.obabmusic.com for details bitches
Sunday - Mercy Upon Us is finishing their demo
Monday - Hadley dojo ... more practice at falling and making others fall.
Tuesday - More Aikido
Wednesday - Greenfield Dojang with Jill
Thursday - OBAB practice
Friday - OBAB at UMASS Amherst, Van Meter Dorm, 18+
Saturday - OBAB at Flat Street, VT
Sunday - OBAB, somewhere in NY
Next monday - Saying bye to my dad and coming back from WA
Tuesday - Aikido
Wednesday - Greenfield Dojang with Jill
Thursday - OBAB practice
Friday - OBAB @ Cabot St. Battle...
Saturday - OBAB in NH with Too Late The Hero
.... WITH 6 hours a day of school on weekdays.
That is the rest of my month for you. I hope you enjoyed seeing how god damn busy I am.
Somebody make me laugh.
So far, only Jill, Ariel, and Emily Hanley can do so on a regular basis.
Thank you lord: 1) For the oil slick 2) For her car wreck,3)For I'm lovesick. Heaven sent us a hero. But Hell tried his resolve. When you though you were done for, I pulled through. While you rested your eyes in the driver's seat, I sat and watched you. Thank you lord: 4) For the loaded gun 5) For the bad aim 6) For I'm lonesome. God's smiling down on us, he shines his grace on everyone.
P.S. - The greatest lovers were murderers first.