
Jun 18, 2013 19:15

so many tears fell for gu episode 21..from me!

3 hours to go korea time for episode 22.


stormy weather here but me waiting for next episode

meanwhile watching running man episode 150

poor gary :(
why did they give him such a weak power..yep never liked spiderman. thought he was a weakling
ahh maybe coz gary already
won 2 of th 3 supermatches? that they're trying to make someone else win this time?

haha 2pm running away. nice to see!

pogi taecyon :)

chansung looks wimpy here nyayaya so adorable

ji hyo can win this.. she just has to mark her opponents. but does it have to be on the neck? weird

ahh lost. coz her marker was confiscated?

running man, gu family book

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