"I'd feel better if you stayed in the Arctic Circle."

Nov 18, 2008 18:49

So, someone just knocked at my door (this is not a normal occurrence), and so I was like, "hmm, I should probably see if I know them." (This, mind you, from the person who grew up in a household where the reaction when neighbors came over uninvited was, "Quick, HIDE!")

I got up, and then I managed to trip myself on my knitting not once, not twice, but three times. Including my legs somehow getting trapped in yarn, and me having to hop on one foot while shaking the other in order to get untangled enough to stagger to the door, which was three feet away.

I didn't recognize whoever was at the door. Now I get to unknot some yarn.

(Title quote taken completely out of context from the BEST professional responsibility movie day EVER.)

Also, is it just me, or is LJ really slow since today's server move?

real life

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