Birthday, schedule updates, and other things.

Apr 19, 2008 15:59

Okay, so I am now 23, and I had the best 23rd birthday I could have wished for. Mom came up, and then I had some friends over for lunch, and it was nice and fun and relaxing, and I have the best friends ever (see last post for reference). And then Mom and I cleaned up, and she headed back out.

And then I spent the afternoon kvelling. I kid you not, I was surrounded by this happy glow of "I have the best friends in the universe, and they are awesome beyond belief" for the whole of the afternoon.

Paul and I had dinner reservations at 8, so he got back here around 7 -- meanwhile, I couldn't figure out what I wanted to wear. (Seriously, how girly can I get?) I had this great top that I'd worn with jeans for the party earlier, and I wanted to wear it, but I also wanted to wear a skirt -- and, here I am, getting even girlier -- but none of my skirts looked good with it. So, I ended up wearing it, with black slacks, and a pair of pretty heels. AND I wore the Sea & Shells Stole, which made me very happy. (More on the Sea & Shells Stole, plus a hilarious entrepreneurial idea later.)

Dinner was amazing. We went to the Melting Pot, which I absolutely love. We had dinner there from 8 to 11. (Chocolate dessert fondue -- "flaming turtle" -- guh. Just, guh. Milk chocolate, caramel, and pecans. Flambeed.) One of the things I love about Paul is that we can talk about anything, and we have some of the best conversations, and that's what makes going to a restaurant like the Melting Pot so much fun, because it's not just fantastic food that makes it worthwhile, it's that the atmosphere is so conducive to spending quality time with people (with fantastic food).

So, in short, yesterday was amazing. It was the best way to spend the day that I could have wished for, and I have the best friends in the world.

And today's been lovely so far as well. The weather is beautiful, and I took a bit of a break from studying to go have coffee with Joel -- we went to Mozart's, which is on Lake Austin, and just sat outside by the water and talked. It was nice.

My fridge is now full of food and cheesecake. Mom brought up a huge lasagna, which got mostly eaten, and she brought some homemade meatloaf, which she has never before made for me in my life. LOL. Running joke. She mentioned making some for Scott a couple of weeks ago, and it came up that she had never made any while I was growing up, so I have never eaten meatloaf. (The meatloaf in the dorms looked sketchy. Dorm cafeterias could make any dish look sketchy.)

The fudge truffle cheesecake I made was a HUGE hit. It's just that the recipe filled not only the two pie crusts that I bought, but also an 8-inch square pan. So I've got some leftovers (3/4ths of one pie pan, and then the entire 8-inch square "crustless" cheesecake. I'm doing my best to give it away. My sweet tooth may be huge, but it's not THAT big. And I do have SOME willpower...


Oh, PS: this poem has an awesome title. "Book of the Things I Put Down My Bra" -- seriously, how is that not awesome? I mentioned this to Paul, and his response was, "Excuse me, what? What?" And I was like, "Did you not wonder how I brought my cell phone with me through graduation? My dress did not have pockets."

Ha. Anyway.

food, randomness, happiness

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