(no subject)

Feb 01, 2010 18:59

So, halfamoon is started up again! :-)

There have been a couple of posts offering drabbles in response to prompts, so I jumped in with some prompts... and two of them have been answered! The stories are AMAZING and absolutely lovely. They made my afternoon! :-D

So, without further babbling from me, here they are!

Doctor Who, Donna Noble, the things she carries with her (that she almost remembers) by munditia


bless the child (Legend of the Seeker, Kahlan Amnell, little acts of rebellion), by savepureness

Also related to halfamoon, I was browsing through the long lists of prompts that have been posted for the Impromputhon, and I saw one that was for Gwen, in the gap between seasons 1 and 2 of Torchwood where she's in charge of the team.

It makes me think of the story that I originally posted during the halfamoon two years ago. I later expanded on it, and it was mainly about Gwen running the team during that absence (with the continuation of the AU bit with Rhys not coming back to life after the stuff with Billis Manger and Abaddon).

Now I really want to go and dig that up and post it...


Also. Unrelated completely to everything else in this post, I finished that double-knit hat (it had some gauge issues due to the fact that apparently I purl looser than I knit, but I'm hoping that blocking might help), and... I sort of started A Harebell Fichu (ravelry link), from Victorian Lace Today.

(Hi, my name is Alex, and I'm addicted to lace knitting. This is not new knowledge.)

torchwood, knitting!, donna noble is made of awesome, legend of the seeker, doctor who, fic, omgsquee!

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