documenting my EPIC BATTLE with writing my negotiation papers (hence the hilariously titled books)

Dec 05, 2009 22:56

At the beginning of the day...

...and then 10 HOURS LATER...

(Yes, I totally took a picture of my carrel before and after 10 hours of inhabiting it. I had a feeling it was going to be an epic day. AND IT WAS.)

Items you can spot in picture #2 include (but are not limited to): my alpaca/silk Rose's Wristwarmers, DRD Pike doing a faceplant into my notes, the remains of lunch (and snack), a truly amazing amount of post-it flags (mostly hidden, actually, but you can see a few), antibacterial hand sanitizer (because hello, it's the LIBRARY DURING FINALS), and probably the best coffee mug I didn't have to pay for (yay for swag).

Not pictured: my shoes (which were most definitely not on my feet for most of the day) and my two layers of polar fleece (which I didn't need because our corner of the library was quite warm).


Sadly, none of my pictures of yesterday's snow came out very impressively, so I have nothing to share on that front. But it did snow, and that's that.

unexpected law school perks, randomness, law school, real life

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