May 12, 2005 18:17
mike d. mentioned a little about materialism before, so i thought i'd post this.
the other day, i located a 10 shekel piece that i have in my drawer that was left over from israel. it was along side of many more shekels, but i picked this one. i realized something. it is worth absolutely nothing here in America. i mean, i could exchange it for about $2 or $3, but the bank wouldnt even take it before. but if i went up to most people and said, "I'll give you this awesome shekel for your awesome Porsche," i dont think they would go for that. in israel, i can get a good-ass icecream cone for that 10 shekel piece, but anywhere else it is useless, just a piece of metal with grooves and bumps. the only things it can get out of it here are the memories that are rekindled every time i open the drawer and see all the shekelim sitting there. its kinda weird how money, when it cannot be used to gain anything materialistic, can represent something so far away. i dunno if i said that exactly how i meant to say it, but i think you get what i mean