(no subject)

Jul 24, 2007 20:13

Overall: your details and perceptions about literature are often very sharp: I think you are good close reader. BUT your verbal style is tedious and tends to make things blur into a stream of words words words, which grows tiresome to listen to. You need to know when you've said something and when you just need to stop, and you also need to know that some things are more important to say than others. You tend to babble on and on and on, without regard for those poor audience members who must listen. You get in your own way by not separating what is important to say from what merely CAN be said. Just this word of advice for future use.

You had some good perceptions on Among School Children, but the above
problem often buried them. You seem not able to see the forest from the trees: C+

I think you did a considerably better job with A Mother: tighter,
better controled, better focused. B+

So too the Merriman in the Survey course: B+

Best, Professor TH

Have you ever had a professor make you cry?
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