(no subject)

Nov 02, 2006 00:46


From: Gary Phibbs [mailto:gnphib@wm.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, November 01, 2006 12:13 PM
To: 'aharse@wm.edu'
Cc: 'Joyce Bryan'
Subject: Student Leadership Nominations


I want to nominate Allison Schaeffer: a recent transfer from the University of Wisconsin. Since she has joined, Project Phoenix, a mentoring program active in 3 middle schools in the city of Williamsburg, I have witnessed a tremendous change - for the better - in our program. The program involves a partnership between The College and the schools. Students tutor 2 days a week for 3.5 hours and in addition offer a separate mentoring aspect which we call “Saturday Programs.” The programs are educational in nature and a 5hr commitment each saturday, on the end of the college student, is necessary.

Allison’s role in our organization has been diverse. She has tutored at separate middle schools (expressing her want to be used where needed) and has consistently presented innovative ideas which have changed the way we operate. Because of Allison’s lifelong commitment to education (her aspiration is to become “that passionate and crazy old English teacher” that makes learning ‘something larger’), she is committed to facilitating the “whole development” of the student including - as she has mentioned continually - the development of social skills, harvesting creativity, and encouraging ownership of the student’s education.

Allison has shared that her commitment to our program has been outstanding. She believes that tutoring for tutoring’s sake is not the point of our organization. She continues to voice that the impact we provide in these students runs beyond any session after school or test grade’s improvement. Allison is invested in the successes of the students and believes that our positive impact through mentoring, connecting, and rejoicing in their successes together harvests an environment of learning that will impact the students for a lifetime.

After weekly meetings, tutors have expressed to me on several occassions, that her updates on her middle school and the programs that she is coordinating are 'inspiring' and, as one tutor put it 'makes me want to be a better tutor.'

It is for these reasons and a great deal more that Project Phoenix has invited Allison to serve on the Leadership Board consisting of 10 passionate and invested students (As well as Joyce and I). It has historically been a privilege and honor to be invited to serve on the Board and I believe it speaks to the quality individual Allison is as she is serving in her first semester at The College.

Allison serves as the Blair Middle School Liaison for our program. Her duties include maintaining a disciplined and positive environment for learning at tutoring twice a week as well as serving as the leadership in our program at Blair Middle School. She is also in open communication with the administrators, counselors, and the student’s teachers to keep myself, Joyce, and The College up-to-date and informed. Allison is also committed to the development of our tutors as she is consistently seeking to understand their perspective and work together to increase the overall quality of those which she “supervises” at the schools weekly.

Allison embodies all the aspects of The College’s vision for innovative leadership and certainly is a meaningful candidate for the Student Leadership Foundation.

Gary Phibbs

Office of Student Volunteer Services

The College of William & Mary
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