- Don't stress-bake so much; keeping the baby weight off.
- Be careful with alcohol!
- Always know who I'm waking up next to.
- Don't use prescription medication that isn't mine.
- And definitely don't drink like I used to.
- Stop fucking getting pregnant.
- Don't fall in love with anyone ever.
- Learn how to take care of myself and stop running to find someone else to do it for me.
- Don't cry so much.
- Tell the truth more often, especially to people I care about. Trust people.
- Find my faith.
- Don't start smoking again.
- Don't screw with people just because I can.
- Stop pretending he didn't exist. Any of them.
- Think before I act.
- Make decisions that will be healthy for both of us.
- Don't blame anyone else.
- Don't turn into my mother. Or my father.
- Don't fall apart just because everybody thought I would.
- Be good. Don't sabotage it when I'm happy.
I. What.
...So, anyway, I need a babysitter for Friday night.