Oct 18, 2009 20:03
This Saturday I had some Make a Difference Day volunteers moving and cleaning things in my library, which was awesome. Slowly, but surely I am putting my expensively purchased skills to use and whipping this library into shape. Which brings me to my next question, dear friends - does anyone know anything about open-source library automation software? Or a very useful online resource on the topic? Ironically, with the ink on my diploma still figuratively damp, I seem to be failing at being as resourceful as I could be in teaching myself to set up an automated library system from scratch. Which is, naturally, a project that I would like to get started on ASAP. Any suggestions?
In other fun library news, I found a book written by Hoover on Communism, several in which the most current president listed was Lyndon B. Johnson, and a book with over 250 black and white photos on the life of an airline stewardess! This in addition to the books on "Becoming a Teen" which had women in pearls on the cover, and the book on Bacteria where the first chapter was titled "Wee Beasties". My job is simultaneously fascinating and horrifying.