Fic: Whose Line

Jul 27, 2013 19:07

Title: Whose Line
Fandom: Merlin RPF
Pairing: Bradley/Colin
Rating: PG-13
Words 1.3k
Summary: Bradley convinces Colin to go on "Whose Line Is It Anyway?"
AN: I don't even know what to say to this other than I was so excited that WLIIA came back on air and then there was the kissing robot scene and I just thought of this ...

Colin was going to kill Bradley.

“You okay there mate?” Bradley asked, practically bouncing with excitement and beaming at him with his stupid crooked smile.

It had been a horrible idea to begin with. The first time Bradley had mentioned it, just a few days after crashing on Colin’s couch when his flight to London had been delayed, Colin had been quick to say no. There had been no way in hell he would ever agree to it.

But then there had been a few drinks and maybe Colin missed Bradley more than he ever said, because Bradley had not needed to ask again. It had been Colin that brought it back up and with a few pints in his system it had seemed like a brilliant idea.

After all, they were funny guys and they were actors. What could possibly go wrong?

It had not helped that Bradley looked like Colin had just announced the second coming of Christ when he agreed.

Two months later and Colin wished there was a way to time travel back and stop himself from saying yes.

“This is going to be brilliant!” Bradley gushed, listening to the crowd of people gather just beyond the set wall they were waiting behind. “Just like old times.”

Colin nodded even though he could see no similarity to what they were about to do and working on Merlin together. On Merlin there had been lines and scripts and the ability to redo scenes until they got them right. Not this.

“This was a bad idea,” Colin muttered.

“What?” Bradley said, spinning around to finally look at Colin. He must have looked horrible because suddenly he was right there. Hands on his arms and looking more serious than Bradley usually looked. “You okay?”

“I don’t know if I can do this,” Colin said, his eyes trailing over to where Aisha Taylor seemed to be in a rushed conversation with someone with a headset. He wasn’t sure where the other actors were but the show must be about to start soon.

“You’re the one doing all this live theatre stuff,” Bradley reminded him. “If anyone should be nervous here, it’s me.”

“But there’s always been a script,” Colin said desperately, very much aware of the slight hint of panic in his voice. “I can’t just make things up on the spot.”

“Cols, you make things up all the time on set,” Bradley said. “You’re going to be great. And ... I really appreciate this.”

Bradley’s newest show was now mid-way through season one in the States and for some reason he had been roped into a Guest Star appearance on “Whose Line Is It Anyway?”

Colin would have been more than happy to support him from afar, but Bradley had apparently opened his mouth and mentioned something about a Merlin reunion and apparently the shows producers had loved it and Merlin’s agent had been ecstatic and Bradley had been hopeful ... if Colin had only stayed sober he was sure none of this would be happening.

It did not help that despite Merlin being over for a couple of years now, his slight crush on Bradley had not diminished. As always he was able to coerce Colin into highly embarrassing situations.

As they saw the other actors come over to join them Bradley let him go.

In no time they were in front of a live audience. There were not that many people, not as many as the theatres he had performed in over the years. The television studio could only hold so many.

The first game was “World’s Worst” as each actor took turns stepping forward to say something more outlandish than the other. Colin could think of nothing to say for “World’s Worst Date” or “Worst Bus Driver” but Bradley was in his element.

Just as Colin was scared he would be completely useless, the next category was “World’s Worst Pick-Up Lines.”

Running out he looked straight at the Camera.

“Would you like to see my wand?” he asked, being sure to lift his brow suggestively. It might not be original but as the audience laughed, Colin felt a thrill of performing overcome his nerves. Making his way back to the side, he felt his stomach swoop at the way Bradley had thrown his head back in laughter.

Perhaps this would not be so bad.

The next few games went by smoothly. Not all of them would make it to air, but the energy was high and the audience was loving it. Most jokes centered around Leprechauns and being Irish when he was on stage or being Merlin and King Arthur.

One lively scene had future Colin, played by Colin Mochrie, coming to warn younger Colin about the apocalypse.

“You become Canadian!” Ryan exclaimed in horror. Colin could barely keep a straight face as the audience laughed.

The final game was upon them before Colin was ready for it. Bradley had been right. Together their banter was the same as ever and people seemed to love them. It was easy to be on stage together.

The last game was the Dating Game. As Colin Mochrie sat ready to ask them questions as if they were on a game show, Colin read his small card which would reveal his character.

“Robot who recharges by Kissing.”

Colin felt his stomach drop and suddenly all his nerves were back tenfold. Wayne Brady sat on one side of him and on the other side was Bradley. He was barely aware of Wayne acting like an old Grandmother and the roars of laughter from the crowd.

“Contestant Number Two, what would your ideal date be?” Colin Mochrie asked and the cameras turned to Colin.

Jerking his arms like a bad Robot dance move, Colin answered in what he hoped was a slightly robotic voice.

“My ideal date ... would .... be ...” Colin slowed everything down as if his battery was losing power and had to make a last minute decision. Unable to kiss Bradley, he grabbed Wayne and pressed their lips together quickly before letting him go as the crowd went wild. “It would be whatever you wanted as long as you plug me in at the end of the night.”

“Well that sounds promising,” the other Colin joked.

Bradley seemed to be some sort of aggressive coach as he jumped up and down and yelled at invisible players. It was very in keeping with the show he was currently on.

With dread Colin realised there was a second round of questions.

As it got to him, there was nothing for it. As he once again lost power he turned to Bradley and pressed their lips together. However, unlike Wayne who had simply stayed there for a stage kiss, Bradley was actually kissing him.

Feeling a slight slide of lips over his own, Colin gasped and responded by deepening the kiss. Sliding his hands through Bradley’s hair and rejoicing in finally being able to do what he had thought about doing for years, Colin kissed him like the world was ending. He felt Bradley’s hands slide around his back and it was almost perfect.

The world seemed to dissolve until there was just Colin and Bradley and a roaring in his ear. It took him a moment to remember that the roaring in his ears was a crowd of people watching them behind cameramen and that this was being taped.

Jerking back, he kept his eyes glued on Bradley’s and tried to ignore the catcalls and noise from their audience. A littany of “oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit” kept playing over and over again in his head. But looking at Bradley and seeing how unsure he looked in that instant overcame Colin’s embarrassment. Gathering what was left of his courage, he gave Bradley a quick peck, just to tell him it was not just a game.

The director came out and had them redo the scene but Colin did not care.

Later that night, when he was tangled in Bradley’s bedsheets in his L.A. flat, he thought it had been the best game of the night.

“Told you it was going to be brilliant,” Bradley said smugly.

“Shut up.”

AN: the inspiration ...

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fanfiction, pairing:bradley/colin, merlin, rating:pg-13, genre: rpf, fanfiction: merlin

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