Jun 08, 2011 16:22
Crazy, awesome idea for an actual novel. Like a real one. Not fanfiction! Crazy I know. Please ignore me while I put this little plot bunny down before I forget it! Okay ... so this enumerator (an enumerator is the person who works for the census and goes around to collect all the information) goes around rural Canada for the 1901 census. And it would have all the crazy people he meets and it would discuss the class system and urban vs. rural troubles of the time. Wouldn't that be a fantastic novel? I think it would be ... maybe because I'm a history buff ... I don't know. Either way - I am happy o have that written down. Now when I am bored one day I will see this and think to myself: I should write that!
Okay - now back to work.
thought process,
original piece,
fiction: historical,