Beta Help?

May 12, 2013 12:26

YES!!! I didn't think I could do it, but I did it and I am so happy right now. I really wanted to write the perverse_bang fic because, well, I completely just filled my own prompt, but it was something I have been dying to write for AGES and then I thought I would never get it done in time - because I was at word count 0 yesterday and it is due ... Friday. But 24 hours later and I have 6,434 words and a completed story! Now all I need is one of you lovely people to beta for me and I will finally have finished the story which has been on my mind for ... over a year.

Keep in mind it is part of the perverse_bang, so if the idea of Morgana working as a prostitute at Morgause's brothel, Mordred as a pickpocketer with voyeuristic and exhibitionist tendencies, Merlin in drag (for theatrical reasons), and threesomes, all set to backdrop of Renaissance Theatre, is likely to bother you, um ... well ... at least now you know. If however, that does not bother you, than awesome!

Basic Info:
Title: Unnamed (Probably "Camelot" or "Camelot Theatre" or "The Pick-Pocket" or ... I have no idea)
Word Count: 6,434
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Merlin/Arthur, Merlin/Arthur/Mordred, Morgana/Morgause, Morgana/Mordred/OC
Summary: Mordred has survived on the streets of London all his life, picking the pockets of the crowded streets. His favourite hunting grounds are the theatres; where hundred are packed into the yards of the Globe, the Swan and the Rose. He might not understand the draw people have to the words of Shakespeare and Marlowe, but he loves the easy cash from the distracted audience. It is not until he tries his luck at the Camelot Theatre that he falls under the spell of the emerging playwright Arthur Pendragon, and his leading lady, Merlin and a new obsession begins. 

fandom, perverse bang, fanfiction: merlin

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