transformative works policy re: podfic specifically

Aug 28, 2013 01:57

So I'm sort of hesitant to post this, but whatever, I'm told it's better to know, right? I won't be too long in explaining but I figured I should put something up. Honestly, this is probably barely necessary, I just want to curtail any possible future awkward moments.

I've said yes to podficcing before, a few times. I've cheered a friend on and I've been hugely flattered that anyone would even consider putting so much time into recording something I've written.

But I've also grown increasingly uncomfortable with podfic of my work since then, and I've come to realize that asking my permission to record my fic is also uncomfortable for the podficcers. So I'm making the executive decision to cut out all of that discomfort like this:

Please do not create any podfic based on my fic.

Do you want to remix anything? Create a fanmix, a graphic, translate anything? Probably not right now, because I sound like a big meaniepants that hates fun*, but if you do, just talk to me. As I've done with podfic in the past, I will almost certainly say yes. This isn't so much a thing about being against transformative works about my (transformative) works, as it is about being uncomfortable with some issues regarding podfic that have cropped up from time to time. I said I wouldn't be too long in explaining so I won't go into detail, and this isn't about throwing shade or whatever, it's just something I'm no longer comfortable with. And due to personal reasons, I need to have control over where my fic is, how it's archived, and how my identity is attached to it, in whatever form it comes in. I can't be comfortable having anything up if I don't have that control.

Here's another tiny, important note: at some point, maybe, in the future, you may see another podfic crop up with my name attached, e.g. based on something I've written. I'm really, really going to hope then that I've had a lapse and caved with a friend and it's something we've talked about and I've felt comfortable with and that's why that's there. That's the only reason that should be there. :-)

*I am not a meaniepants that hates fun. I love fun! Podfic is wicked cool and I want everyone to enjoy it. I would just like to be kept out of it. And honestly, I hope anyone reading this is going, "Okay, well, no one wants to record your fics anyway," and rolling their eyes at me. Because you're right; why would you want to record my fics? I use way too many commas, m-dashes and semicolons.


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