So as my first legacy to date, let it be said that I profusely apologize for the quality of the screencaps (I just now downloaded Fraps and reinstalled Paintshop Pro [which I must admit I have absolutely no proficiency in], my lack of familiarity when it comes to pausing in-game, and my shit sense of humor, however far reaching. So, without further ado:
Meet Tarte Millefeuille. She is a Family/Pleasure sim with the very original LTW of becoming Chief of Staff (ugh)! Turn-ons are blonde and black hair; turn-offs hats. Her stats are 4 sloppy, 10 outgoing (leo, duh), 4 lazy, 4 serious, and 3 nice, overall making an obnoxious, bitch-ass sim! Her OTH is music & dance.
Why hello poorly-lit sim who just happened to stroll by! Tarte is aching to socialize.
Too bad she was a bitch.
Tarte: Any chance you'd be nice now?
Bitch: No.
Soon after the welcome wagon arrives, all consisting of playables.
They sure do have an odd way of aligning themselves.
Her shack.
I quickly prompted Tarte to whip up some sandwiches for her guests, but...
They couldn't give at least one fuck.
Pregnant Playable: *glareglare*
Tarte: *totally oblivious*
I had Tarte ditch the welcome wagon because they were lame so I sent her to Doc Alan's to try out her comedic skillz.
"So,'s everybody doing tonight...?" *nervous smile*
Audience: *chirp chirp*
Only audience member: *preoccupied*
Bah. After such an unsuccessful outing, I decided to send Tarte on the ~very special very important~ task of finding a sperm donor :DDDD
Brahdfshklsdfklsdfjk. This trend is getting old.
This was like the only attractive male within a 100 ft. radius. His name was Randy Landry something or other.
They made nice enough for Tarte to invite him over the next day, since she was almost bottomed out on her motives D:
After phoning Randy to come over, some bitch randomly planted herself on Tarte's lawn and started reading the paper :/
Randy finally came over and immediately started flirting with Tarte!
Who then in turn rejected her flirt and walked away while some stranger thought it was appropriate to tell me my Sim-making abilities sucked. And then Tarte lost some aspiration points. :(
He freely helped himself to using Tarte's toilet, though.
Tarte: Don't mind me, I'm just naked, wet, and totally unprotected...
Randy: Uh...huh... *doesn't care*
Tarte: Let's make fuck!
Somehow, I totally forgot to document this event...
But I made Tarte propose anyhow, when she started having doubts atypical of her aspiration.
O...k.. Tarte.
Randy moved in with 18,000 Simoleons!
Picspammage of house:
Their pathetic excuse for a living room.
Their bedroom.
And lastly, their bathroom.
The exterior. Ugh, I suck at making houses, hahah.
Randy after his makeover. Eh.
He already had like 8 creativity points so I made him paint Tarte's portrait. Despite being crazy skilled and having a high-tier job in crime, I just could not get myself to like him. Case in point:
He constantly busts everything.
I'm afraid his nose will thoroughly fuck the coming generations(Notice the bump).
General suckage.
Tarte: *ruptures brain cell*
Hehe. Tarte is so cute. ^-^
Tarte tries to get knocked up as the first time was not so successful.
Satisfied and famished, Tarte decides it was a smart idea to try cooking spaghetti with no cooking points...
Randy waxed heroic and almost died in the process, hahah.
After retrieving the burnt food, Tarte finds the time appropriate to break the news.
Tarte: I'm pregnant, honey!
Randy: *drops spoon*
I offer you the second pop, having missed the first one :(
Tarte going into labor in the front yard, etc.
From the get-go, Tarte is already playing favorites. She gave birth to twins!
I have the photobucket tag inappropriately labeled as Tartare, but say hello to baby girl Eclair, who has her mother's eye color and coloring, and her father's haircolor.
And the real Tartare, who also has his mother's eye color, coloring, and father's haircolor.
This is the end of part 1, until more interesting times!