kiss and tell.

Oct 19, 2010 22:02

soon it's my birthday (well.. a month but anyway) and after that it's not
far to christmas. whoo, i love christmas and i will be home
in sweden then. very lovely. lovely.

these things i dream of getting, tho most of them are quite expensive..
so yes. dream. dream. perhaps i can buy one ore two items as birthday
respective christmas present for myself. i have some money left
for the things i sold a while ago.


these two dresses from t.b.a. the first dress has small pom poms on the top.
so very cute. and i think i'm more in love. in love. with this navy velvet dress then
the one from topshop. more doll like and i prefer the short sleeves.

stockings with the eiffel tower. need i say more?

mulberry's love letter keyring. it would look so pretty
on my new mulberry bag. they red and the blue together.
and i just love that post box, why can't we have those
everywhere in the world?

hermés bracelet in raspberryred. i'm not very fond of bracelet, but this
i would wear almost every day i think. it's so pretty in it's simplicity.

topshop's long sold out plastic raincoat. it would be 
great for showing of your coorful cothes under it.

i said it was dream didn't i?

so what are on my friends wishing list at the moment?


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