Apr 07, 2004 15:42
yesterdayyyy -> after skool me danielle nicole mayo n' eric all went out to friendlys =D it was fun . "danielle im gonna hook u up w/ that mexican" -HA ! famous line of nicole pilat ((afterr that me nicole and danielle went to nicoles [said buhbye to mayo n' eric =( ] and went to the Y woooOooo soo fun haha we had quite the workout; after the Y we went tanning at sunderland n' haha we didnt have a rideeee =/ i called mom tho so it was all set - verry disappointed i couldnt go up to the site w/ kevin allen al joe danielle melissa n lyns =( o well PLENTY of time for PLENTY of other parties up there ;) // TODAAY -> skool was eghh =/ we had an assembly 2nd period tho so that was good cuz i got to miss historyy =) wooo :: it was about our class rings.. nothing else really that interesting happend i dont think.. alllssss i kno is im sleeping at nicoles toniteeeeeee =D parttyyyy . should b a fun time random thought : i need my nails DONE ! aaannnd p.s if ne one knows how to put picture backrounds for these journals tell me i could really use ur help =/ ...since people are gay and wont tell me because of god only knows whyy yeeeep ! f-u =D