belLa dEe o x o: thanx ur a life tube || ahaha<3

May 13, 2004 19:46

wellll this weeks been.. adventurous.. lol
_tues :: was SUPPOSEDDD to go to danielles after skool but i somehow found myself being dragged around the skool by my good friend nicole pilat =/ .weiird. aha well i couldnt find deeB ne ways so nicole ended up skippin' drivers ed n we walked home, biiiiig mistake - well it was good up until the first 10 min. // lol we went to the icecream barn, met up w/ a few cool kiids, sum fun stuff aha afterrrrr that it allllll went down hill lol . 2 min(walking distance) from nicoles i notice that something verrry valuable of mine is_ missing. wooaaa not cool. lol my cell phone was nowhere 2b found & we were almost home [after almost an hour of good walkin =( . THEREFORE ! we had to finish our long journey home only to have to go baaakkkk out 5 min after we got to her house.. =/ not wut i planned on. wellll being the genious that i am ;) i figured heeeeeyyy instead of sweating our asses off and having to walk another 20 miles, why not ride bikes down there =/ lol we're so gay `we finally got our bikes into gear and i successfully retrieved my cellular device :D ..buuuut we decided we had 0 energy to ride UPhill lol so nicole being the *un-genious that she is (hehe) said we should take her secret little path // WOOOOOW biggest mistake of MY LIFEEE lol it was the rockiest, bug-infested, mudd dwelling, creature crawling place ive ever been to. aha (sry to burst ur bubble nicole but its the truth =/ ) lol .. so after riding that for about a half hour we decided to turn around uggghh so then we drove around nicoles whole entire neighborhood[wen i say whole neighborhood i mean almost half of millbury] lol juuus to get bakk to her house 5 hours later =) -> our results; finding brittneys cell phone, a whollleeee lotta workout, and a bruised bum =( awww 'now thats wut i call an adventure.......
_wens :: got dismissed 6th period espanol while watching sum weiird ass movie.. the road to elderado or something like that.. went to the dentist :D ahhh my absolute favourite thing to do ahaha - found out i have approx. 2.5 more months in counting w/ these god damn braces(its about time) theeeen went home and went to bed at 8:45 =) wooo
_thurs(today) :: woke up to find a text message frm danielle stating... "omg i had a dream u died i cant wait to see ur beautiful smiling face today" aha aww shweetcheeks =) \ i got dismissed agaaiiiiin during 6 period for yet another dental appt. cuz these gay braces broke .err // then my mom took me n' danielle to get our lovely nails done ;) always puts a smile to my face =) haa.. i came home a lil bit later only to help my mom take off the pool cover _jesus shes lucky i didnt break a nail . lol .. then jill informed me on some good notes she found waay bakk wen, awww succh good memories =( lol we were soooo gay [i missh u] *then i took a shower andddddd that was my day/week, exciting? yessss i kno i have such an exciting life; XXOOOXOXOXXOX

p.s ..& please ppl, would u not sit there on ur free time wen u have absolutly nottthinnggg to do and make up rumors about sum stupid shit that honestly nothing close to happend . that jus makes people upset and we dont want that nowwww do we :) (fuckers)

// & wow theres the story of my life
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