Terezi Pyrope // Witches Reign App

Jul 22, 2011 11:27

Name: ArgentB
Journal: argentb
Contact: AIM -- argentbast

Character Name:Terezi Pyrope
Series: Homestuck
Gender: Female
Age & Canon Point: 6 sweeps (about 13 years, human-aged)
Requested Sponsor: Lapis Lazuli
Entry position (Cadet, SeeD, Instructor, other): Cadet
History: Homestuck
Terezi’s History

Terezi is a troll from Alternia, which is a race of super-aggressive space conquerors from the planet of Alternia. Part of growing up on Alternia was to prepare themselves for conquering, and she did so through Fatal Live Action Role Playing (FLARPing). During these sessions, she would play as Neophyte Redglare, the blind legilacerator of the unjust (think "prosecuting attorney with a sword"). She'd play alongside her friend, Vriska Serket, who would play as Marquise Spinneret Mindfang, the dastardly pirate queen. Together they would seek out trolls to capture and feed to Vriska's guardian, a humongous white spider (or else Vriska herself would be eaten - Terezi, maintaining her love for justice, insisted that they only culled unjust trolls that deserved it). Where Vriska was endowed with mind-manipulating powers that allowed her to force people to do her bidding, TerezI, in contrast, possess and refined a keen insight of troll psychology. She was thus able to manipulate and control others through their own subterfuge, lies and deception. In other words, she could get others to do what she wanted without mentally forcing them to, a skill that Vriska envied.

All that changed when Vriska killed their mutual friend, Aradia, out of spite. Enraged, Terezi used the same techniques she used on unsuspecting trolls on Vriska herself, blinding her left eye and removing her left arm in an explosion. In an incredibly elaborate mental manipulation, Terezi was called out of her home in the middle of the day and stared straight in the brutally blinding rays of the Alternian sun. But before she was condemned to a life in perpetual darkness, her guardian taught her how to taste the colors around her.

Life continued to be strained until one of their friends invited them to play a game. What they didn’t know is that the day they started to play the game was the same day their world and all of the trolls in the universe would die. This was no ordinary game, however, and transported her and all twelve of her friends into a paradox-space realm called “The Medium.” Yet they were each picked for a purpose far greater than the world that they fled from: the game itself was a system designed to create and establish a new universe to recolonize and repopulate. While the task set before them was daunting, in the end they strove to defeat the Black King and claim their ultimate prize. But as they were about to claim it, a displaced demon from another dimension struck out at them. Through the quick thinking of one of their friends, they were sequestered in an abandoned lab circling on an asteroid in the middle of their game. There they discovered that their game was sabotaged by children from the universe they had just created. And it was up to them to make sure that they would suffer for it. Or not, as they quickly learned that there was more to the story than just their failed session. In fact, there may be more to this story than any of them ever dared to dream…

Garden History: Not applicable!!

Abilities & Physical Abnormalities: Terezi is a troll, which automatically places her outside of the norm in a lot of ways. While she does possess most of the same features you would see in a 13-year-old, some notable differences would be her ashen-grey skin, conical candy-corn colored horns, teal-colored blood and tears, and pointy razor-sharp teeth. However, even among trolls she is unique, being completely blind in both eyes. She normally wears thick red glasses to hide this, but underneath her shades are pure red eyes, which is very different from normal troll eyes that have grey irises and yellow whites.

Terezi, however, is far from being unaware of the world around her. Through training of her guardian, she has been taught to “taste” colors (and she uses tastes to describe them). This makes the world around her a hazy blur of the colors around her, but she can sharpen the contrast significantly by sticking her tongue out or licking the object she wants a better “look” at (much to the annoyance of her friends).

Terezi’s other unique ability is her mastery of the mind. Through years of FLARPing and studying people, she has developed a keen understanding of how people think and act. She knows people and knows how powerful the human mind and perceptions can be. While this may just make her astute, another power she has is to not only understand how another person thinks, but also mentally visualize an extremely detailed description of how that person will act in the future. While we only see this once, it is my headcanon that her accuracy and astuteness increases the longer she gets to know a person and the more she talks to them. This is similar to a chess player “looking” into the future and determining an opponent’s moves.

Personality: Terezi is a very bizarre person, even for a troll. In many ways she draws together different qualities that doesn’t seem to go together very well and makes them her own unique personality. She’s a troll, a notoriously brutal race that doesn’t blink at the idea of killing and self-mutilating their own kind, and yet she is also an advocate and strict believer in justice and imparting harsh judgment on those that she considers guilty. She takes her various roles and responsibilities very seriously, but at the same time she falls into fits of giggles and tries to push people’s buttons just for fun. She also enjoys being blind, which she considers seeing the world with greater clarity than she ever had while sighted. Her fascination with colors and licking things borders the fetishistic. All of these things seem to fluctuate at her own whims, making her slightly erratic behavior a little difficult to account for.

So, where to begin? Perhaps Terezi’s most defining quality and truest indication of what type of person she is lies in this inconsistency. She loves being flexible and is very smart - being helpful and considerate one moment and completely counterproductive and childlike the next. There really is no reason as to why she does this other than “it sounded like a fun idea at the time.” She also loves to talk and chat with her friends and enemies, often getting in the heads of friends and foe alike to see what their mental and psychological limits are. Too hear there is nothing taboo in the realm of words. She’ll get a kick out of something other trolls may consider obscene, and will delight in telling a thirteen year old boy that he will slit his throat and enjoy smelling “his cough syrup cherry red blood” leave his body as he slowly bleeds to death. But once it comes to actions, she’s an entirely different person. She knows the difference between saying and doing something and would never intentionally harm somebody unless she felt that other person deserved it.
There are two things that remain consistent no matter how wild and chaotic her conversations ever get. The first is her love of justice. She believes in the law and justice greatly and will go to great lengths to ensure that wrongdoers go punished. The problem being, of course, is that Alternian law is pretty dubious. In a land where people get killed to feet blood-thirsty guardians is considered okay, a “bad” troll must be one who’s evil deeds has really gotten out of hand. Terezi won’t sweat the small stuff, letting small crimes like theft and other general misdemeanors slide. The other thing she would never break is her loyalty to her friends. Sure, she’ll poke fun at them and mess with them for fun (and probably creep them out with her insistent licking), but if their life was ever in danger or if she stumbled across their injured body, she would do what she can to help them out and make sure that whoever caused this suffering would be brought to justice.

As far as weaknesses go, she has a few. While they all have their quirks and odd behaviors, Terezi’s quirks are pretty bothersome even to trolls. She has an incredibly bad habit of pushing and irritating people that she’s close to and isn’t worried in the least if they get angry at her. While she’s pretty good at judging and gauging how far her actions are annoying someone, she has a tendency to take things one step too far (though not as far as her friend Vriska by a long shot). Additionally, Terezi is very trusting of her friends, often believing that they wouldn’t do wrong until grievously proven otherwise. When that trust is broken, however, she will hold a grudge that will never go away.

What are your plans for the character in-game? I will be honest. The only reason why I want Terezi in here is so she could drive a car. :B

Okay okay, to have lots of fun toying and messing around the garden, trolling new (and old!) friends, being vaguely helpful to her allies and be a badass junior legilacerator with a whole new world to terrorize help!

Anything else? Like all Homestuck trolls, Terezi has a typing quirk! In addition to typing in the color of her blood (teal), Terezi writes in all caps with no periods or apostrophes. She also uses the “numbers of the blind prophets,” replacing “I”s with “1”s, “E”s with “3”s, and “A”s with “4”s. Not even she knows why these are the numbers of the blind prophets, but that doesn’t seem to bother her any!!

H1 C4N 1 L1CK YOU? PL34S3? 1 4LW4YS W4NT3D TO KNOW WH4T 4 MOD3R4TOR T4ST3S L1K3!! H3H3H3H3 >:]

Complete TWO out of the FOUR options.
i) IC Questionnaire

What do you prefer to be known as?
Terezi Pyrope! hehehe…

How old are you?
Six sweeps!

Wait, what do you mean that’s not old enough? I saw kids my age… oh! You must think I mean your human six? hehe that’s a common mistake you humans make for my race! Nono, our home world is more extreme than yours in every conceivable way-even the times it takes for our planet to circle the sun is longer! Let’s see, I think that would make me… thirteen human years? Yeah, that sounds about right!

Do you have any history in combat?
Proctor’s note: The candidate winked after saying this.

If so, have you ever killed?
Proctor’s note: the proctor explained that this wasn’t a trial and that the decision of entry into the Garden was not contingent on this point.
Maybe one or two. hehehe…

i) How do you feel when you get involved in some project that calls for immediate and rapid activity?
Sounds fine! I like a bit of action.

ii) Do you organize and initiate leisure activities?
How can it be leisure if it requires organization? Does it really make sense to organize something that is supposed to relax you? Bluh…

iii) What role do you take when working in a group?
LEADER! Well, I guess I would say that would be my first pick, but if a certain WRIGGLER was involved I would be more than happy helping others out with information and support. I’m pretty versatile, you know!!

iv) How talkative are you around other people?
heh heh heh I like to talk! Hey I was reading the other day on your human anatomy. You guys sure are weird! Did you know that you humans could live without 60% of your internal organs? It’s true! You could remove your eyes, ears, nose, a lung, a kidney, most of your liver and eighty percent of your intestines and you could live a perfectly normal life! Well, normal without your organs anyway. Which I’m pretty sure would be totally painful experience. I mean, could you imagine all the pain you would experience if you were to have something like that happen to you? To wake up with surgically incisions up and down your body? To know that somewhere someone has taken away your organs and that you’d never see them back? No? Do you want to? Hehehe… heh heh heh… hahaha
Proctor’s note: the proctor had to step away for a moment to recompose himself.

v) What three things would you want to have with you on a desert island? State your reasoning.
YOU! You look like you’d be good company, and I could eat you when I get hungry enough.

Proctor’s note: proctor reprimanded candidate, asking her if she wants to get in or not.

Get serious? Okay fiiiine. I bet you are a real hit at parties, sheeeeeesh. I guess if I had to pick I’d choose my plushy toy, Pyralspite, for company since you are not being any fun. Some multi-colored chalk because I could never do without my multi-colored chalk. And a jet pack. If it’s a desert island, I probably don’t stand much chance sticking around so I may as well go out to sea.

vi) Is it important to be liked by a wide range of people?
Yes! Except when it isn’t! hehe

vii) When the odds are against you, is it worth taking a chance?
HAHA Okay, you sound like one of my friends here. So listen up. What makes a situation impossible? No, it’s not how difficult the situation is, or how feeble your abilities are, or how inexperienced you might be. What makes a task impossible is the idea inside your head that it is impossible. Chance does exist! It’s artificial! As for your question, it would depend on the situation! If it’s a chance at a date with you, which I wouldn’t care after this meeting, then I would say trying to do something impossible wasn’t worth it! Make it worth it to me, and I will be more than happy to try something that is really, excruciatingly difficult.

viii) Do you consider yourself to be an impulsive person?
No I don’t consider my OH YOU HAVE A RED PEN?! Can I draw on your walls with that pen? hehehe
Proctor’s note: had to prevent candidate from ruining wall.

ix) Would you agree that planning things ahead takes the fun out of life?
A little! Too much planning is bad, but no planning means you can’t find the time to hang out with your friends and do something. A lot of these answers depend on the situation, really.

x) Do you like surprises?

xi) Do you sometimes wonder if there is something wrong with you?
I used to. But then the voice in the back of my mind told me that I was being paranoid and that I should stop asking stupid questions.

Hey are we almost done? This is starting to get boring.

xii) Do you consider yourself to be smarter than your superiors, and disagree with their decisions?
Gog yes. But you haven’t met my superiors! You’d think the same way!

xiii) Lastly, how do you feel about cabbages?
What’s a cabbage?

iv) Thread link: here! -- I was practicing her typing style and voice testing at the same time. Normally her spoken voice wouldn’t be l33tsp34k.
And a post~!

application, witches reign

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