new town and event info!

Apr 07, 2011 21:21

Hello hometrailers! On the 9th characters will be finding themselves entering their next destination, stopping in a tiny little village called Nan. There's nothing especially remarkable about the village at first glance, though the fact it seems to be entirely devoid of life might seem a bit strange to some.

However, it's not completely abandoned.

All newcomers will be waking up scattered through the shacks and the small temple at the far side of town, and may or may not find themselves greeted by the residents who lived there before! Because they're still floating around the place. And they may decide to....attach themselves to you, should you decide to grab what supplies have been left around the homes.

Yep, your character is going to be haunted. Whatever items they take from the town, the previous owner will follow them. They may harass your character over it, sit there quietly with a creepy stare (always watching. always.), or end up talking their ear off, but they're ultimately harmless. Just possessive. The only way to appease the spirits is to pay them back for the supplies taken, and what better way to do so than to throw a small feast to honor the dead?

This event will last until the 13th, and then the caravan will be back on the road! There will also be a mini-event around the 22nd, and I'll have the information post for that on the 19th. As usual, any questions or comments about the event go in this post! ♥

*important, event, *modpost, !announcement

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