Feb 05, 2011 23:36

On February 9th, the caravan will arrive at it's next destination! While they haven't travelled far enough for the snow to be completely out of sight, it's not as deeply blanketed as higher up the mountains. It's chilly, but bearable, and the white is only a mild dusting on the ground. Daylight lasts its normal time period here, and there certainly haven't been any reports of monsters or the like - good thing, too, because this village is so lovely looking that it would be a shame to, uh, fall prey to blood suckers.

Welcome to the village of Riviere! It's a rather large village located in the midst of a hilly field that might be springing flowers were it not for the weather. At the center of it sprouts a large cherry tree, the tops of which you can see looming taller than any of the buildings. It's a quaint and quiet place, so try not to cause too much ruckus!

For this village, you will have the option to choose any from a number of character effects! Feel free to rotate them as you like, as well. You can be suffering from one the first day, and a separate one the second, up to you however you'd like to combine it!

Honesty Is The Best Policy - Your character's mind to mouth filter is pretty much abolished. You can't seem to lie, whether it's to cover up your unscrupulous past or tell your best friend that no, those pants don't make you look fat at all!

She Doesn't Even Go Here - Your character finds their desposition to be of a rather sensitive nature. Every little annoyance seems to manifest itself as pure and unbidden rage, while usually mild offenses can cause an entire breakdown. Keep your tissues on hand, kids, it's going to be an emotional rollercoaster of highs and lows!

Roses Are Red, Violets Are.... Violet, Actually - Your character is feeling so inspired by the beauty and peace of the village that they have taken up a rather peculiar art form - poetry and sonnet writing! Maybe they've decided to write about the twitter of the birds, or how their heart beats only for their one true love, but no matter the subject they feel the need to make sure everyone hears about it, reads it, and properly swoons over it.

Elementary Gossip - Your character has some pretty urgent questions. Problem is that they can't find a good way to bring them up aside from carefully folded notes! These are important inquiries that need to be answered, such as asking the girl next to you whether or not she likes you (circle one: Y / N) or if they'd like to go on a date (circle one: under the cherry tree / visit the bakery).

Love Is In The Air... And In Your Textbox - Your character feels the urge to add excessive use of ♥ and tildes - or maybe they'd rather not, but either way it keeps appearing in antyhing they write! Even serious subjects like the location of all the rum comes out much more like "Where has all the rum gone~? ♥ ♥ ♥," or the pending zombie apocalypse ends up like "Fuck those zombies~~~~"

We will be in the village from February 9th to February 23rd, with the A/C going up on the 24th. If you have any questions, comments, or even suggestions for additional events you'd like to see in the future, feel free to comment!

*important, event, *modpost, !announcement

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