Jan 06, 2011 22:06

Hello, hometrail! This is a huge plot-relevant post, so sit down, buckle up, and read everything.

We are still in the Southbarrow Mountains, nearing the peaks itself as we come closer and closer to Fort Hood. It's a curiously sturdy fortress, with high walls on all sides and iron gating on the north side being its only entrance. All around Fort ( Read more... )

*important, event, etc, *modpost, !announcement

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He manages to troll even out of game. How does he even. canisorption January 7 2011, 06:30:06 UTC
Hey. You'll have company being humans. Which means, expect to be used as bait if he ever figures out they think you're a giant snack.


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HA! That's one way to put it, isn't it? A nice rabid white guard dog... canisorption January 7 2011, 06:43:21 UTC
Yeah? Heine says he's "being a queer" and to suck it up in that ever-delicate, politically correct way he has. He ever wants to come back, and set him on fire again, he can take it with him next time. Permanantly. Would Axel prefer that? Your tears make no difference to Heine. You call yourself a man? If you're good, he'll teach you how to aim for the head.


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Would you rather he fetch the whole mailman, or bite the hand that feeds him instead? canisorption January 7 2011, 06:53:23 UTC
Yeah, and Heine knows he's never going to and he can send that idiot redhead scurrying for another dimension with just the right psychotic grin. It flatters his ego a little at least to teach you you're not such a baddie after all, Axel.

And FSSSS. Don't. Really. I've heard that song more than you can beleiv eover the last week. You sing it, even as a joke,a nd I swear I'll get more IC for Heine than you'd ever think. Shirtless asshole friends do NOT help me.


Depends who's hand is feeding him. lackslucidity January 7 2011, 06:58:30 UTC
Shhh. You'll bruise his sensitive pyro ego. XD By which I mean, oh yes, please feel free to terrorize him Heine. I'm terrible.

XD Sorry. Was making a video to it earlier and it came to mind. How about a little Three Days Grace instead? THIS ONE'S FOR MASOCHIST!GAU! Paaaaaaain! Without love! Paaaaaain! Can't get enough! Paaaain! I like it rough! *Shot*


Not to Heine it doesn't. It's his rebellious stray dog-ness. He can't help it. XD canisorption January 7 2011, 07:23:17 UTC
Heine doesn't need your permission to scare the poot clear out of Axel. He'd do it anyway. Who knows, you might get a kiss on the cheek on the second date.

Urgh. No. Please. No singing. I'd had enough after all the racking of my brain I had to do for the caravan singing event. But Heine will always insist that Happiness is a Warm Gun. XDD


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It's a hand. Are you feeding him? (He'd keep his distance because you're a chick, MOG.) justice_by_coma January 10 2011, 22:27:45 UTC
Poot. Yes. A cutesy way of saying "flatulance"? Axel sets fires. He's bound to have the kind of digestive system prone to methane and other such flammable things. (I'm sure you'll make something cracky out of that idea. And if you do, don't you dare blame it on me again. XDD)

Oho. He didn't mean you. He meant Axel. You wouldn't even get a first date, because he'd be too terrified of you. He has trouble even dealing with Naoto, and he thinks maybe he kind of likes her He'll just never admit it. He meant Axel. And...finally I have the icon to show you.
In less delicate terminology, he'll rip the side of his face off. Try explaining that away in a manly fashion that gets chicks, Axel.

Phew. Much obliged. I really don't want to think about that right now until I can safely compartmentalize and explain it.


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As you like~ *grabs icon* canisorption January 10 2011, 23:45:02 UTC
Clearly you need more cutesy people in your life. Hanging around me won't help.
(You know I do minor pairings as often as you, right? The only difference is I take it more seriously? XDD)

Yes, yes. Heine is going ot refer to this as a date, too, just to make things more surreal for anyone who knows him.
"...He seemed to want a date."
Well. I'll put it this way: You're all set to get plenty of practice.


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Axel got a "hug". This guy got "a kiss on the cheek"? ("Don't you ever shut up? Loud bait...") canisorption January 11 2011, 00:00:58 UTC
I mean, your brother's a hulking giant Yoite impersonator with a sense of humor... no help there, right?
(XDD Well yes, that's how it usually turns out, ebcause everyone's starved. You remember what I ended up doing to Juvenile Orion, though. I was practically RUNNING the outlandish fic pairings.)

Heine: *totally doesn't care. He's just waiting for Axel to do something dumb again so he can beat the crap out of him.*


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YES YES, SAY HIS NAME. canisorption January 11 2011, 00:39:54 UTC
Why? Totally appropriate. Brilliant self-taught savant who lurks in doorways? Kid's Yoite. And man, I wish he was still online and you weren't all secret and all. I'm one of the many who'd love to kidnap him and play video games with him...

(Tell me about it. First Spiral, then Nabari went and distracted me...
Uhm. Ew. Even I know that's not right.)

Heine: ... *nonplussed, asks with total bromantic deadpan* What's with the eyeliner, anyway? *TROLL TROLL TROLL*


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