(no subject)

Jan 27, 2008 19:03

 why is it that all i can think about is college?
i have no idea how i will be able to get through senior year.
i cant even stand waiting for junior year to be over.
i have to admit, this has been my best year yet..and im sure senior year will be even better.
but i talked to sarah and she said all she did during senior year was worry about getting into college.
i dont want to have to worry about that, i just want it to be easy. but i know it wont be.
i took the ACT once and it was horrible, ive never been so bored/tired/ physically in pain..ever. my neck/hands/back cramped bad haha.
and my dad wants me to take it at least two more times to "get the highest score i possibly can"
ugh, i just want to skip all that and move on.
i want to go out and have fun and not have to worry about cerfew or who im with or where i am.
i want to have an apartment with my sister and have her there all the time.
i want to cheer on the sucky football team at games, i love school spirit.
i want to study my ass off and take my classes seriously for once.
i dont even know what my major will be..but im minoring in photography.

i just want it all, and i know its bad to wish away your childhood..but im getting sick of waiting to grow up and have my freedom.
well, i guess i dont have any choice..

& dont let livejournal dieeee. i want to know what everyone is up to and what they are thinking because we never ALL get together anymore. we have seem to all broken up into smaller groups, and i wont tolerate it.
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