Dec 03, 2005 18:54
First of all, there is no possible way to put this experience into words. Hands down the best show I've ever been to. My god. I wish there were some way to describe it that would do it justice, but there's just not. Of course, that won't stop me from recapping the night anyway;)
Okay, so we got there at around two but they wouldn't let the line form until five, so we just walked around for awhile. At around four we went into a bar right right next to where the line would start and met up with a few people. After like HALF AN HOUR of talking to them, Ian's like "oh, did you guys get a number?" A NUMBER? A NUMBER?! WHAAAT?? John (who looks exactly like Vincent Pastore, which is funny because another woman who was there looks like Edie Falco) explained that the head of security was giving out numbers to the first fifty people who asked and that they'd be let in ahead of everyone else. He found the security guard for us (which was no easy task) and we ended up getting 32-34 (me, Lori, and Aimee) but it was really frustrating because Ian had apparently gotten his right before we showed up at the bar and was 23. We were there before all of them, we could have gotten better numbers but we just didn't know. John is my savior. Seriously, I owe him my life.
Anyway, so they finally started letting people line up at five. The people w/ numbers were in a separate line and all of a sudden like 50 people without numbers cut in front of us right before the doors opened. I'm usually a pretty introverted person, but I pitched a fit. This is where my first fight of the night started. I told them to move and they all screamed at me for being a "downer" and not helping out another fan. Yeah, okay, you're completely trashed and will fall on your ass the minute you get there, but I should help you out by letting you cut in front of me. Okay. Good luck with that. I screamed at like fourteen different security guards before one of them finally took those people away and was applauded by the people behind us in line. Haha, yeah, I go a little crazy at shows. ...but you all know that.
They finally let us in at about 7:30. Of course we were able to get right up front:D. The center was full, but we grabbed spots on Joe's side. Lenny started late, the security guard said he was stuck in traffic. I wish I could give a review of Lenny, but I was fighting for my life during his whole set. This 250 lb guy and his wife were standing next to me and kept dancing as though they had all the room in the world. I was trying to keep my elbows out so I could keep my spot and eventually resorted to using my purse as a shield, but the guy was like twice my size, I was no match. He kept slamming his hip into me and everytime I'd go flying. I was knocked to the floor a few times, which is really dangerous in general admission. I was screaming for the security guard but he couldn't really do anything and warned me that they were taking out whoever was pushing AND whoever complained about it. He was a nice guy, but was just following orders and was trying to make sure I wasn't unjustly taken out. Meanwhile I was being killed by this bastard next to me. I was positive I was going to miss the entire show (I did miss all of Lenny) and that my front row seat would be wasted. I honestly wanted him to die. Then, during one of Lenny's slower songs where we could talk and hear each other, his wife grabs my head and whispers "Okay, okay, I'll be a good girl. But listen, you just don't know how to rock. You're too young to be a *real* fan." That was probably the angriest I've ever been in my entire life. As in a real fan who misses the whole show by getting wasted and making out with my husband? I really wanted to punch her in the face, but figured it wouldn't be worth getting kicked out. It worked out well though because as she was leaning across her husband to whisper to me she spilled her drink all over him. Fuckers.
Eventually security made its way through the crowd because people behind us were pushing their way to the front. A couple right behind me was unfairly taken out and it really pissed me off, but the guard wouldn't listen when we tried to tell him it wasn't them that had been pushing. Then this really, really drunk women took their spot behind me and grabbed my ass. Not like a light touch, she GRABBED me. At first I just slapped her hand away and turned back around, but she did it TWICE MORE. Eventually I had to stand with my foot up like a flamingo, which wasn't exactly the most comfortable position and wasn't easy to stay in considering I was still being pushed to the side by that ASSHOLE next to me. Jesus. People are such idiots.
During intermission the drunk woman had to leave and never came back and I had a chat with the first guy and he agreed that he'd stop if I moved my purse. Kind of strange because I didn't hit him with my bag until AFTER he started pushing me all over the place, but I agreed. Then we were talking about the music and how I wouldn't "believe what happens at an Aerosmith concernt,"(I wanted to pour his drink over his ugly bald head) and we have this conversation:
guy: I wonder what they'll play.
me: Probably the same sixteen they've been playing at the last few shows, but it's a small venue so maybe we'll get some gems.
guy: And what do you consider a gem? Crazy?
me: Go to hell.
He thought it was the funniest thing in the world, but I really wanted him to die. He felt like an ass though after he told me to "look at Joe's guitar!" towards the side of the stage and I told him it was actually Brad's, then named all of the guitars Joe has been using on this tour. Yeah. So...die, asshole. I'm sorry I wasn't alive in '73, but I'm more of a fan than you'll ever be, bastard.
Anyway, like FIVE MINUTES after our pact, he tells me "I'll be moving where Steven moves."
FIVE MINUTES LATER he's warning me that when "wherever Steven goes, he goes." I was so convinced he'd ruin it for me. I wanted to cry and couldn't do anything about it.
Okay, so after like an eternity of waiting, the curtain finally opened and HELTER SKELTER! My goddddddddd. I've never seen it live and I LOVE THAT SONG. Of course, it gave me false hope that there'd be a different set list, but whatever. Surprisingly, the crowd all of a sudden got SO much better. I think people were like too mesmerized to act like jackasses. I'm so shocked and grateful that the environment changed though.
During Cryin', Steven came over to our side of the stage and stands RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. I mean, seriously, he was in direct view. Like not even a little to the left or right. RIGHT FUCKING IN FRONT OF ME. I DIED. I dropped my camera and broke it (uh huh, I finally bought a real one then broke it... at least it was a cheap 35mm), but didn't realize until the end of the show that I didn't have it in my hands (I also completely forgot about the sign and have no idea where it ended up...I wasn't all there). I mean, I've experienced concert highs before, but not like that. I was shaking and just FREAKING OUT the whole time. I mouthed "I FUCKING LOVE YOU" and he winked, smiled, and nodded that really excessive satisfied looking nod. We were staring at each other for like the entire song!!
Then, during Sweet Emotion, Steven was right over me again (DIRECTLY in front, SO MANY TIMES) and held his mic out for us to sing sweeeeeeeet emoooootion. I got HIT with it because of that DAMN GUY pulling on the scarves, but it was only a quick tap and was SOOOO worth it. He stayed in front of us for the next verse (pulled into town- rabbit done died), and he saw that damn couple dancing. The guy pushed me into the rail, then danced right on top of me so I was being hit by his hip and pushed further into the rail every time he did whatever he was doing to his wife. It REALLY hurt and there was NO WHERE I could go. During this, I couldn't get the security guard because, hello, Steven Tyler was right in front of me and I wasn't missing that so the guard could come up and either tell me there was nothing he could do or pull us both out. So, I'm being killed, and Steven's singing right above me. Then during the guitar part Steven left the mic and came to the edge of the stage, pointed his chin in our direction and yelled "What the fuck man? BACK OFF!" AND THE GUY DID! I didn't have any problems for the rest of the night! Yes, that's right, Steven Tyler basically saved my life. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He did the microphone whipping in Saddle RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. THE SCARVES WERE DRAPED OVER MY HEAD. Of course Mr. Asshole grabbed them again, but Steven was able to grab them back without much of a fight. And the best part about that moment is that AIMEE HAS IT ON TAPE and I have the file on my computer. I can't stop watching!
The whole thing was just AMAZING! I mean, they were up close when I was on the catwalk @ the other shows, but only for a few seconds. The stage was so small that during the entire show they were all RIGHT THERE. Crazy. I can't even describe how amazing it was. I was so (concert) high the entire time.
Now that it's over I'm a little upset that the setlist wasn't different just because everyone was expecting older stuff for this show, but everything they did play was out of this world. A lot of people are saying there were sound issues, but I didn't notice that. It was clear that they were all pretty pissed about it though. Steven was making a lot of volume up/down gestures and one point started SCREAMING at John B. during Dream On, then flipped him off twice. Not sure if the sound was the issue, but something was going on there.
Along those lines, the tube thing (sorry, I have no idea what it is) for SE wasn't working so Joe threw it at the guitar tech, then he gave him another one and that didn't work either. Then Steven's morocco thing was in Joe's way so he kicked it, then glared at Steven and Steven just laughed. Steven's reaction was pretty funny, but Joe looked genuinely annoyed. They were clearly pretty ticked about something, but they still put on an AMAZING show.
Oh! Oh my god, I almost forgot this! Tom came in front of me twice, and once I mouthed "Thank you" (I dunno, it seemed appropriate, their music is my life) and he winked and made that stupid gun gesture and said "No, thank you." I love Tom! He's so cute and funny. Nothing like my Steven moment, but I think it's noteworthy. Oh, and on the subject of Tom, Aimee's video clip of EDGE is SO FUNNY. I didn't realize this during the show, but when Steven sang "everybody knows it's fucked" he ran up to Tom and screamed "FUCKED!" right in his face, then ran along. I've seen him do that to Joe from the side, but he stodd in front of him and screamed it in his face. Then Tom shook his head and said something under his breath.
Also during Edge, I LOVED when Steven sat down on Joey's platform. He just chilled with the doll for awhile, then sang while seated. I'm not sure why, but it was just awesome.
The whole show was just something else. Of course, I've never been that tired, hot, dehydrated, and physically beaten before, but it was SO WORTH IT. After it ended none of us could walk. Aimee looked like a duck trying to "walk like an Egyptian," Lori was limping, and as soon I turned around I fell over and had to lay on the ground for awhile. I just couldn't feel my feet at all. We had planned on going out with everyone, but we were all literally scared for our lives (it was just a really weird feeling of excitement, exhaustion and dehydration) that we went back to the hotel and crashed. The whole thing was really intense, but it was the best show of my life and I have every intention of going to the next one.
Haha, sorry that that was all over the place, but a lot happened. I have to go soak my incredibly sore muscles in a nice hate bath now.