Mohinder's apartment, Sunday evening

Oct 31, 2010 22:03

Mohinder's apartment had been broken into four times that he knew of, and probably more that he didn't, often by persons with violent intent, uncontrolled powers or both. Add to that the fact that Molly was unconscious across town, Matt was chasing his father issues across the country and that Mohinder really wasn't a virologist, no matter how many the hours he'd put in in front of a computer screen, and well...

He'd made a rare stop off at the apartment; it seemed too big and empty to spend much time there when it was just him, usually choosing instead to crash back the lab. Mohinder had just picked up the last of the books that were the de facto excuse to escape his developing cross-eyed LCD lit stare when the knocking started.

And continued. Continued, in fact as he pushed the door open, the nearest weapon brandished at the potential intruder - actually the Henderson's eleven year old in a plastic mask - until Mohinder did his best to drop the salt shaker unobtrusively.

So not an over-reaction, exactly, but certainly a contributing factor as to why Mohinder was looking up camera specs. Perhaps the Complany paranoia had a point, and it was always better to know something than to not.

there's a whole world out there, part of the union

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