Somehow I managed to miss my week last Friday but I have an excuse since I was away for a work trip.
I wanted to add a quote to this challenge but I can't remember any that would work and this challenge is already on the late side so I won't waste any more time searching for one.
20 - "Bring a little color into my world" - Open Challenge
The challenge is pretty much self-explanatory, I think, but just so you didn't gather what it was from the title, here's an explanation. You're to make colorful icons. No black and white, no washed out colors, no muddy browns or creams or monochromatic icons. We're aiming for colorful, bright, fun. You don't have to make your icon into a certifiable rainbow but don't be afraid to be wild.
Remember, color can come from the image itself or any texture/brushes you may want to add. So, go have fun!
You may submit up to two icons, and you're welcome to use two different shows for these if you want. Check out
this post if you're looking for ideas and
this post for a short list of some useful resources, including screencap galleries. If you know where to find screencaps of different shows, you're welcome to drop a word in that post with a link. We'd appreciate it very much, and so would everyone else. :)
How to submit entries.
Deadline: Thursday, November 8 at 11:59pm PST.