My internet's finally back on, yay. My addiction to the intenet really is quite pathetic at times. I'm now getting caught up on my flist and music and shows that I've missed. All is good in the world.
I really don't have anything to say except, who watched Little Dorrit? I know it's a bit late to be flailing seeing as episode 2 is on tomorrow(!!!)
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Little Dorrit was wonderful. It was my happy place in a world of no internet. And I really needed that, even apart from the internet trouble, it really has been the week from hell for me. Yay Freema. And not once in her performance did I think about Martha Jones. It was so good. Matthew MacFadyen is lovely. I have such a crush on him. Eve wasn't in the first episode, so maybe that's why no one's mentioned her? But I do look forward to seeing her, because I do love her rather a lot. Andy Serkis was awesome too. And Russel Tovey! And oh, so many more people I love. OH, SHOW.
I will miss David and his fanboyish behaviour but... eh, Ten can leave now. He had some moments that I will love him forever for but, not gunna lie, I don't like Ten very much. It's a testament to David that there are those moments where he nails it and I want to hug Ten. But, yeah, mostly, I think Eleven will be wonderful.
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