Like everyone else in the internet I was watching Dr Horrible and was deeply in love with it and now I want it baaack ;___; why was it only 45 minutes long? But having said that, I haven't wanted to lick Joss Whedon's brain this much since Angel ended.
Mickey-centric piece went up last night. That fic caused me PAIN dammit. And now I seem to be writing YTNW!Martha/Dean Winchester. I don't know what's wrong with my brain sometimes but I now seem to convinced that they're OTP and need to be together now.
Also? I really don't think that House was made for people as squeamish (love that word by the way) as me. I keep having to watch it through my fingers. They're all my favourites too. Although, I think that maybe Chase is my favourite. Or Wilson. Or House. And I'm really kind of in love with the opening credits sequence, it's very pretty and has Massive Attack. Yayz.
For the record: I really, really hate anyone that's going to see David in Hamlet. Really. He looks far too good unshaven.
/random post of random.