Sep 11, 2004 11:21
Very annoying, irritating things that drive me crazy....(and probably everyone else)
-sock fuz
-car alarms
-dial up internet
-lumpy mashed potatoes
-people that stand too close to you when they talk
-getting that stupid sticker off the side of new cd cases
-when the cookie doesn't fit in the glass of milk
-reading instructions
-nylons (except for guys hopefully)
-the girl that comes on the phone after the busy signal and says "for only 75 cents..."
-when your grapefruit squirts you in the eye
-people that don't use their signal
-when you have to sneeze and you can't
-driver license pics
-jeans with shallow pockets
-people clapping in between movements
-when you're at the Sand Dunes National Monument and the wind is blowing and you're trying to eat a hot dog with everything on it...
- overly sarcastic people
-automatic flush toilets
-turtle-neck sweaters
-not getting the joke
-cold restaurants
-stereo-typing classical music
-when you trip over nothing
-people that go the wrong direction in parking lots
-when you're laughing and you snort
-people that leave carts in parking spaces
-saran wrap
-ice crystals in ice cream
-a sunburned scalp
-car rattles
-the 's' in lisp
-drive thru liqour stores
-smelly feet
-too hot hot chocolate
-stupid bumper stickers
-Weinawski (hehe)
-pity parties unless its mine (just kidding)
-people that turn the bass up so loud in their cars that you can here it clear across eternity
-all the ridiculous names of colors of crayons
OK just to make it even, here are some things that are awesomely splendiferous...
-those tiny midget cans of soda
-Finding Nemo
-Bubble gum
-sleeping in
-convertable VW Bugs
-ice hockey
-the stars on a clear night
-sink peaches
-racing shopping carts up and down the aisles of Wal-Mart
-Pics of friends
-aspen trees in the fall
-the dust off of aspen trees when you rub your hands on the trunk
-actually just aspen trees
-Mr. Fomin Quotes
-the feeling of silk
-vanilla tea
-mountain waterfalls
-blowing bubbles
-when you play after putting new strings on your violin
-christmas lights
-the ocean
-blowing out candles
-running down a hill in deep snow with snow shoes on
-laughing so hard you cry
-vanilla sugar lip balm from Bath an Body Works
-coconut soup
-fencing with pool noodles
-wild pansy yankee candles
-breaking the ice on puddles
-wearing my brothers big comfy shirts and sweatshirts
-the perfect skipping stones
-singing in the shower
-the color of high mountain lakes
-art galleries
-jogging by the river
-when the sun is at the angle that it makes everything golden
-hole in the wall gift shops, cafes, bakeries etc.
-bucket hats
-the smell of roasted chiles
yeah so there are some great and not so great things.
Hope they made ya smile!