Nov 02, 2008 16:46
I'm so dazed right now. It's been raining and storming up here. Lots of lightning last night. It was lighting up the roof of the a-frame where I sleep. Lately I have been grinding my teeth when I sleep. I'm having vivid dreams, I recollect throughout the day, but ultimately I can't remember any dreams as a whole. Only the dreams I wake up with. I know that last night I had a dream I saved someone from something. I don't know if it was a gunshot, a car, what. But I jumped on top of this person to keep them from harm. Hmm? I also just spilt red wax all over my camera, great. I am still waiting to leave to Alabama. Still here in Big Bear. I know I am probably writing the way I feel... lethargic. I feel the same way every time winter swings around. Right before the season really gets started feel like things just aren't going anywhere. Maybe it's because I'm antsy for snow and snowboarding, but in all reality I thought I wasn't as interested in that kind of stuff anymore. Maybe it's just an "internal hibernation"? I wish there was something interesting for me to write in here right now, but there really isn't. I am selling my car! How about that? It's an '02 Land Rover Freelander S. I really like it, but I need the money, and in all honesty, the car is too fancy for me. Over the last year I have just trashed it. Going to and from Horse barns, carrying the dogs in the back seat after the lake, the barn, any occasion, without some sort of cover. I just don't deserve this car. So yeah, I'm selling it. Also.. I need the money for Alabama and possibly a new horse. Ugh.. I keep looking at me digital camera.. it looks like a red plastic children's toy camera with the wax just glazing every important feature. I shouldn't have knocked the table. Anyway, I'll come back when I have something to say..