S.E.E.S. Dorms!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We're doing rooming assignments now to keep up with the high demand!
Comment here if you notice that someone is on the list that shouldn't be, or if someone is not on the list that should be. And also comment with your hilarious rooming preferences.
First floor:
Washroom -
Living room -
Kitchen -
Second Floor: (
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(also, at least temporarily he's been sharing a bed because I thought the room only came with one gg me with Tsurugi >,>;; )
Oh, and any roommate has to deal with Sagarc too XD
Is Tsurugi still in the dorms?
Mitsuru runs her kingdom dorms with an iron fist, and she won't allow boys and girls to room together, unfortunately. So if Taiga does try to kick a roommate out, she won't be happy.
Taiga will argue that she's his wife. And at the very very least she needs to be in the room next door. (he'll be happy to shuffle places but wiiife)
The dorms are getting kind of full and I feel way too godmodey if I keep expanding them (since I fully believe camp is here to make characters uncomfortable and cause hilarity), so while Mitsuru may concede on the point that family members of dorms residents should be allowed to stay, she's going to be very hesitant to let others in.
Taiga will really be intent on sharing a bed with her (because, wife! and he doesn't know about the no-sex rule yet) and need to be talked out of that. If worse comes to worst he'd try to construct a bunk bed to accommodate the extra family members. Whether or not that succeeds (or is even remotely comfortable) would be up in the air
There is no way she would let a man and a woman be in the same bed together, marital status or not, tbh :( YOU MUST BE A ROLE MODEL FOR THE YOUNGUNS SIR. also the rooms are really super tiny and cramped, so I don't think bunkbeds will be feasible either.
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