Zee Application
3 favorite bands/singers
+ The Verve Pipe
+ Lucky Boys Confusion
+ Brian VanderArk
favorite song lyric ever. [include artist and song.]
+ The Verve Pipe - Happiness Is "Have you ever felt so out of place that the smile on your face was to keep from crying?"
+ Everyone can easily relate to it. and if they say they can't, they are lying.
3 favorite movies
+ Office Space
+ "O"
+ The Hours
plus one animated one
+ Land Before Time [the first one]
ninja or pirate? why?
+ Ninja because they get to use numchucks.
what three things can you not live without? [not including air, water, food, etc, you smart-ass]
+ a computer, my camera [NOT digital], and my kitty Louis
you walk into a bar, and the Pope is engaged in a pool cue style sword fight with Richard Gere. whose side do you fight on?
+ Pope. He needs all of the help he can get, since he's super old and all.
make up a word and give it a definition. now.
+ scrummage [like a mix between rummage and scramble] - the act of mixing stuff up while looking for something
what is the capital of Kenya? tell us if you had to look it up.
+ Nairobi or something like that. i looked at some other apps so i give you my apoligies, grasshopper
you have to eat a hot dog. what do you put on it?
+ cheeeeeeeeeese
what famous cartoon character do you think you’re most like? why?
+ Garfield. i have cat like reflexes ie i am lazy and i like to eat.
let’s say you’re Adam [you know, as in Adam and Eve] and God has given you the power to name the animals you see. you see a platypus. what would
you have called it and why?
+ deformed duck. they sort of look like ducks. but only they are deformed.
if you could change your name, what would you change it to and why?
+ Rhonda because i like to say it. RRRRRRRRRRRRRrhonda.
what’s your favorite city?
+ East Lansing, Michigan
give four reasons why.
+ Michigan State University
+ The State Capital is near go politics!
+ Close to my hometown
+ Not too big and not too little
what’s the best thing about the city you live in?
+ Its name. definatley its name
what city do you live in?
+ Kalamazoo
if you could be doing anything at the moment with anyone, what would you be doing and with whom would you be doing it?
+ Go shopping with my mamacita
what are your feelings on... ?
+public school: It's a good experience, and i can't really compare them to anything else, since i have never been to a private school.
+straight edge, sXe, whatever: make your own decisions, since it is your life and all.
+books made into movies: The books are usually better. Very few movies make it work. But The Hours successfully did it.
+and movies made into books: Wow, what a horrible idea. That truly is really a dumb idea.
are you, or have you ever been accused of being, fake? if so, why?
+ i can't say that i have. thank god.
give us a completely random fact about you.
+ i do not know how to peel a banana without using a knife to cut the top off.
why do you think you’d be a good addition to this community?
+ because i am cool. duh.
post a picture of yourself. minimal photoshopping, please.
post some sort of artistic expression. [a poem, artwork of some kind, a couple icons, whatever]
+ i'm in photography, and sorry it didn't come out as well as i would have hoped but...
the usual stuff...
+name: Darcy
+age: 17
+place of birth: Kalamazoo, Michigan
+favorite color: Pink
+middle name: Christine
+schooling status [high school, college...]: Junior in high school. Senior next year yay