
May 18, 2004 23:55

3 favorite bands/singers
+ smashing pumpkins
+ cake
+ social distortion

favorite song lyric ever. [include artist and song.]
+ "this ain't the way it's supposed to be. there's a dark cloud followin' me. i'm disillusioned, and i'm down on the world again." - social distortion, "down on the world again"
+ because sometimes i, disillusioned, see the world for the ugly place it is. this song helps when i'm in a situation or spot i don't particularly like, because it reminds me that it isn't supposed to be this way, and that's just the way things are. kind of a sick support if you ask me.

3 favorite movies
+ snatch
+ the fifth element
+ love actually (don't question me)
plus one animated one
+ toy story 2

ninja or pirate? why?
+ ninjirate, why not have the best of both worlds? actually, a ninja. a pirate can't appear behind you and slit your throat, but a ninja can, how cool is that.

what three things can you not live without? [not including air, water, food, etc, you smart-ass]
+ music, because it keeps me fairly sane. computers, because it is how i communicate with my fellow humans. laughter, i would seriously die if it wasn't for all the funny shit people do and say and how i respond.

you walk into a bar, and the Pope is engaged in a pool cue style sword fight with Richard Gere, who's side do you fight on?
+ i don't really like either of them, but seeing how the pope is totally defenseless and crippled i would take his side. not for that reason, but because he has more money and power than richard gere, and richard doesn't have the (nin)Jesuits on his side. priests by day, ninjas by night.

make up a word and give it a definition. now.
+ sangrocity - the level of someone sangriness (sad and angriness, sangry was previously made up by me).

what is the capital of Kenya? tell us if you had to look it up.
+ naiobi, there's a cool thing about kenya over at this place. oh yeah, i had to look it up, i'm obviously not cool enough to know it offhand.

you have to eat a hot dog. what do you put on it?
+ two lines of mustard on each side of the hot dog in the bun.

what famous cartoon character do you think you’re most like? why?
+ daffy duck because i often get pissed over little things such as what hunting season it is and what not. also i have a knack for losing at life just like daffy duck loses to bugs every single time. there's always a bugs there to own me hard, but i just take it and realize that it's just my place.

let’s say you’re Adam [you know, from Adam and Eve] and God has given you the power to name the animals you see. you see a platypus. what would you have called it and why?
+ a "whatthefuckisthat" because that's what I would have said after seeing it. kind of like the kangaroo. the brits asked an aborigine what the animal was called in his language and the native replied "kangaroo" which means "i don't know."

if you could change your name, what would you change it to and why?
+ i think it would be interesting to have your name be "nobody" so if you did something people would say "nobody did it." and everyone would be at a loss as to who did it.

what’s your favorite city?
+ chicago, right now.
give four reasons why.
+ express and local lanes. amazing.
+ f-ing huge.
+ actually stuff to do, like places actually open after dark.
+ it's far away from cincinnati, hell, ohio.

what’s the best thing about the city you live in?
+ there's nothing to do!

what city do you live in?
+ cincinnati, ohio.

if you could be doing anything at the moment with anyone, what would you be doing and with whom would you be doing it?
+ that's a question and i don't know if i should answer it honestly because i'm feeling really naughty right now... anyway, if i was doing something non sexual with someone right now, i would like to be watching a movie (see favorite movies or any movie really) with someone, anyone, a female if possible. oh well, i guess i lose (see cartoon character).

what are your feelings on… ?
+public school: whatever, highschool doesn't matter anyway.
+straight edge, sXe, whatever: straight edge kids mosh funny (aka kill each other with punch/kick/chop, like para rappa the rappa)
+books made into movies: sometimes okay, but normally suck. lotr was okay, could have been better. it would be nice if the author was the director so he wouldn't change anything for his own intent/"autistic license"
+and movies made into books: these are the worst, especially the passion made into a book, i mean there has been a book for that for a while.

are you, or have you ever been accused of being, fake? if so, why?
+ not to my face. although people probably call me fake for some reason or another, it seems anymore if you like anything that at least one other person likes, you are fake. i don't really know or care if i'm fake, call me what you want.

give us a completely random fact about you.
+ i can squeal really really really freakin' loud and high pitched. it's a good defense.

why do you think you’d be a good addition to this community?
+ because i'm sometimes slightly amusing.

post a picture of yourself. minimal photoshopping, please.
+ i really need some other image hosting.

post some sort of artistic expression. [a poem, artwork of some kind, a couple icons, whatever]
+ haikus and tankas (5,7,5,7,7) are sweet

poor girly
cat in the turn lane,
crumpled, bloody, so lifeless.
cars just pass it by.
crying girl grabs gruesome death;
crushed heart, she wanders on home.

pens write hasty words.
poems are formed, so boring.
papers crumple, trash.

the usual stuff…
+name: tony salinas (vincent anthony salinas)
+age: 18.
+place of birth: cincinnati, ohio.
+favorite color: orange.
+middle name: anthony.
+schooling status [high school, college…]: getting the hell out of high school soon.
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