2011/07/12 - News Update - POPS Magazine, Acid Black Cherry

Jul 12, 2011 21:04

POPS Magazine Connecting Asia! Fourth K-POP Issue Announced!

2011-07-12 BIGBANG / SS501 / BEAST

Have you heard about the magazine "SIA", which is a magazine for girls released by HUFUNOTOMO Co.,Ltd. and is meant to connect people all over Asia, especially Japan, South Korea and Taiwan?

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Acid Black Cherry To Air 40,000 People Scale Free Performance Live!

2011-07-12 release / Acid Black Cherry

In 2007, Janne Da Arc's vocalist yasu had been making his debut with the single "SPELL MAGIC" under his solo project "Acid Black Cherry" and he is currently looking back onto these four years.

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news update, k-pop, acid black cherry

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